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Web Scraper

This server application will use to retrieve all the links of a given URL. This server application will be run in both REST and gRPC mode by setting the environment variable ENABLE_GRPC true. By default, ENABLE_GRPC will be false, so REST server will be up when run this application.

ADDRESS environment variable is the combination of host name and port number. Default value is localhost:9876.

We can change the log level by setting the environment variable LOG_LEVEL, default value is info. Available log levels are panic,fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace.


To add the appropriate dependencies to the BUILD.bazel files, bazel run :gazelle

To update the repositories.bzl file, bazel run :gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -prune=true -build_file_proto_mode=disable_global -to_macro=repositories.bzl%go_repositories

To build the application, bazel build //...

To run the application, bazel run //cmd

To run the application with configuration variables, ENABLE_GRPC=true bazel run //cmd


  1. To test gRPC server , we can use grpcui application
  2. To test REST server, we can use any browser or curl command.


  1. If you face any issue while doing go mod tidy, run the following command protoc \ --go_out=:. \ --go-grpc_out=:. \ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \ api/v1/proto/*.proto

    Reason: Protobuf file will be generated and available in bazel-out folder which is recognizable by go build system. So when run go mod tidy it will throw few files are not found. We have to generate those file by using above command.


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