Simple extension for Microsoft Visual Studio to show character, word and line count.
0.6.0 (31 December 2023)
- Include whitespace in character count (issue #3). Suggested by William Herrmann.
0.5.0 (07 January 2023)
- Support for Visual Studio 2022.
0.4.0 (16 January 2021)
- Display line count. Suggested by Roman Thiel.
0.3.1 (16 January 2020)
- Fixed: Word count margin is displayed for non-document editors. Thanks to Lars-Erik Aabech.
0.3.0 (8 January 2020)
- Display word and char count of selection if any.
0.2.6 (18 December 2019)
- Perform calculations asynchronously.
0.1.0 (13 December 2019)
- Initial release.