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21 Next entity: Edition with Identity field (Wpf, Xamarin)

chempkovsky edited this page Jul 10, 2021 · 1 revision

According to the Database structure (

And according to the rules defined in the article "06 Development Process Cycle" (

we can start with any entity from the list: Edition, Genre, Country and Language

Let's continue with Edition

  • Step #1:
    • Run Visual Studio and Open “WpfDemo” solution
      • Right Click “Literature” of the “Dm01Entity”-project
      • Select “Add/Class” menu item
      • In the dialog enter the name for the class
      • LitEdition
      • Click “Add”
  • Step #2:
    • Open LitEdition file and modify the body of the class as it is shown on the slide
public class LitEdition
 [Display(Description = "Row id", Name = "Id of the edition", Prompt = "Enter Id of the edition", ShortName = "Edition Id")]
 public int EditionId { get; set; }

 [Display(Description = "Name of the edition", Name = "Name of the edition", Prompt = "Enter the Name of the edition", ShortName = "Edition Name")]
 [StringLength(40, MinimumLength = 3)]
 public string EditionName { get; set; }


we have two new attributes

  • [key] attribute
  • [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] attribute

It's highly recommended not to use [key] attribute. Use Fluent Api instead. CS2WPF wizards trust FluentApi more than [key] attribute.

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