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U1.03 Ubuntu Quick Start (QS): Remote Desktop

chempkovsky edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 4 revisions

U1.03 Ubuntu Quick Start (QS): Remote Desktop

Connect to your virtual machine

  • From inside the Hyper-V Manager window
    • Right click you virtual machine
      • Select connect
        • Start the virtual machine if necessary
Click to show the picture


Run terminal

  • After login
    • click Activities
    • type "Terminal"
    • click "Terminal"-icon
Click to show the picture


sudo apt-get update

  • From inside terminal window
  • run the "sudo apt-get update"-command
    • Note: update is not the same as upgrade
  • enter password
sudo apt-get update
Click to show the picture


sudo apt install xrdp

  • From inside terminal window
    • run the command
sudo apt install xrdp

sudo systemctl enable --now xrdp

  • From inside terminal window
    • run the command
sudo systemctl enable --now xrdp

"Enable xrdp"-error

  • Please read the output of "enable xrdp" command
Click to show the picture


Fix "xrdp enable" error

  • From inside terminal window
  • run the commands
sudo mv /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini.sav
sudo mv /etc/xrdp/ /etc/xrdp/
sudo mv /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini.sav
sudo apt -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall xrdp

Repeat "sudo systemctl enable --now xrdp"

  • From inside terminal window
    • run the commands
sudo systemctl enable --now xrdp

Get Ip-address of the machine

  • From inside terminal window
    • run the commands
    • remember Ip-address
ip a
Click to show the picture



Note: Never login twice, otherwise you will see a black window. Before logging in using Remote Desktop, you must log out from the Hyper-V connection window.

  • Log out using the quick menu as shown in the figure below.
Click to show the picture


Login with Remote Desctop connection and ubuntu device name

  • In the Search Box type "Remote" and click the Remote Desctop connection-icon
Click to show the picture


  • enter ubuntu device name and click connect
Click to show the picture


  • enter ubuntu user name and password
Click to show the picture


Login with Remote Desctop connection and ubuntu IP-address

  • if ubuntu device name does not work
    • enter IP-address of the ubuntu machine
Click to show the picture


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