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99.02 DateTime and Currency formating issue. Validation. (Book) (Xamarin)

chempkovsky edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 2 revisions
  • Please take a close look at the slide below
    • Book R page
    • "Publication date"-column has a time suffix="12:00:00AM"
    • "Completion date"-column is shown without time suffix.


Let's look at the CompletionDate-field of LitManuscript-entity

 [Display(Description = "Date Of Manuscript Completion (not Required)", Name = "Completion Date", Prompt = "Enter Completion Date", ShortName = "Completion Date")]
 public DateTime CompletionDate { get; set; }

And let's look at the PublicationDate-field of LitBook-entity

 [Display(Description = "Publication Date", Name = "Publication Date", Prompt = "Enter Publication Date", ShortName = "Publication Date")]
 public DateTime PublicationDate { get; set; }

CompletionDate-field of LitManuscript-entity has additional attribure


It affects formatting!!!!!

  • Please take a close look at the slide below
    • Book R page
    • "Price"-column has a Currency-prefix


And let's look at the Price-field of LitBook-entity

        [Display(Description = "Book Price", Name = "Book Price", Prompt = "Enter Book Price", ShortName = "Book Price")]
        public Double Price { get; set; }

Price-field of LitBook-entity has additional attribure


It affects formatting!!!!!

  • Please navigate to Book R page
    • Please navigate to "Add Item"-page for Book
    • Please click "Submit"-button


  • Please type any letter in "Title of the book"-control


android App


And let's look at the BookTitle-field of LitBook-entity

        [Display(Description = "Title of the Literary Book", Name = "Title of the Literary Book", Prompt = "Enter the title of the Literary Book", ShortName = "Book Title")]
        [StringLength(55, MinimumLength = 3)]
        public string BookTitle { get; set; }

We have [Required] and [StringLength] attributes

It affects validation!!!!!

  • Open the file "Controllers\LitBookViewWebApiController.cs" of "Dm04WebApp"-project and Navigate to "addone"-method.
    • This is a server side validation
        public IHttpActionResult addone([FromBody] LitBookView viewToAdd)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);
  • Open the file "Literature\LitBook\ViewModels\LitBookViewEformViewModel.cs" of "ModelServicesPrismModule"-project and Navigate to the beginning of "LitBookViewEformViewModel"-class.
    • This is a client side validation
namespace ModelServicesPrismModule.Literature.LitBook.ViewModels {
    public class LitBookViewEformViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyDataErrorInfo, IEformViewModelInterface, IBindingContextChanged

It implements "INotifyDataErrorInfo"-interface. Xamarin 5 accepts it (We mean System.ComponentModel and all around it).

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