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A5 Security: Authorization. Common Notes. (Wpf)

chempkovsky edited this page Sep 15, 2022 · 1 revision
  • Authorization should be implemented on the server side and on the client side.
    • Securing Web Api services using the [Authorize] and [Role] attributes on the server side is easy. (We are not discussing this here as Microsoft explains it in detail in their documentation)
    • Client side security is cosmetic protection, but it improves the user experience. We do not display forms / pages for which Web Api services are prohibited for the current user.

Note: In all next articles we discuss the "client side security" (or "cosmetic protection"), i.e. in all next articles "Authorization" means "cosmetic Authorization" or "Client Side Authorization".

  • Authorization is turned off by default. Open AppGlblSettingsService.cs-file of the CommonServicesPrismModule-project and go to GetViewModelMask() and GetDashBrdMask()-methods. The first line of code turns off the Authorization.
        public int GetViewModelMask(string vwModel) {
            return 15; // delete this line when vwModels is ready
            if (Permissions == null) return 0;
            int pk = 0;
            if (!Views.TryGetValue(vwModel, out pk)) return 0;
            int rid = pk / 7;
            if (rid >= (Permissions.Count() - 3)) return 0;
            int sft = (pk - rid * 7) * 4;
            int  rslt = Permissions[rid];
            if (sft > 0)
                rslt >>= sft;
            return rslt;
        public int GetDashBrdMask(string dshBrd)
            return 1; // delete this line when dshBrds is ready
            if (Dashboards == null) return 0;
            int pk = 0;
            if (!Dashboards.TryGetValue(dshBrd, out pk)) return 0;
            int rid = pk / 31;
            if (rid >= (Permissions.Count() - 14)) return 0;
            int sft = (pk - rid * 31);
            int rslt = Permissions[rid + 14];
            if (sft > 0)
                rslt >>= sft;
            return rslt;

But to remove the first line in both methods is not enough. At first, "Views" and "Dashboards" variables must be correctly defined in the same AppGlblSettingsService.cs-file of the CommonServicesPrismModule-project. The definition of htese two variables must be the same as in the database security tables.

        Dictionary<string, int> Views = new Dictionary<string, int>()
            { "LitAuthorView", 0 },
            { "LitBookView", 1 },
        Dictionary<string, int> Dashboards = new Dictionary<string, int>()
            { "ManuscriptDFeatureFtrComponent", 0 },
            { "ManuscriptRFeatureFtrComponent", 1 },

At second, AppGlblSettingsService.cs-file defines _Permissions-variable. Right after login the _Permissions-variable must be redefined with a permission bitmask for the given user.
The "AspnetusermaskViewServicePermission.getcurrusermasks()"-must be called to obtain "Permissions"-vector for the given user. Again, immediately after logging out of the system, the Permissions variable should be reset to its original state.

        int[] _Permissions = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

Information about how to generate and setup Authorization for the server and client part of the app will be described in the Wiki of CS2WPF-project and in this readme.

Note 1: the developer should not manually populate data for Views and Dashboards vars. There is a special generator scripts for SQL-code (to populate Database tables) and C# code to be inserted in AppGlblSettingsService.cs-file.

Note 2 (Wpf only): It is not a good idea to hardcodde Views and Dashboards vars . Instead, OnLoaded()-method of MainWindowViewModel.cs file must be used to get data from the app settings file (it is one of the solution).

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