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014.1 Auxiliary Material UI. WHAT'S IN THE BOX

chempkovsky edited this page May 18, 2022 · 2 revisions


Almost all generated files are saved into "shared" folder:

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project structure

Share folder

components folder

AppGlblChngpswd folder

  • Change password-ready to use component.
  • It references:
    • shared/services/app-glbl-settings.service
    • shared/services/app-glbl-login.service
    • shared/interfaces/app-glbl-chngpswd.interface
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project structure

AppGlblHome folder

  • Home-ready to use component (nav. page).
    • Please also open app-routing.module.ts-file
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project structure

AppGlblLogin folder

  • Login-ready to use component.
  • It references:
    • shared/services/app-glbl-settings.service
    • shared/services/app-glbl-login.service
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project structure

AppGlblLogout folder

  • Logout-ready to use component.
  • It references:
    • shared/services/app-glbl-settings.service
    • shared/services/app-glbl-login.service
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project structure

AppGlblPagenotfound folder

  • Page not found - ready to use component (nav. page).
    • Please also open app-routing.module.ts-file
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project structure

AppGlblRegister folder

  • Register-ready to use component.
  • It references:
    • shared/services/app-glbl-settings.service
    • shared/services/app-glbl-login.service
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project structure

AppScrtDashboard folder

  • Dashboard component which will be used by other generated components
<div class="dashboard-scrt-container">
    <div class="dashboard-scrt-item-container" >

ColumnSelector folder

  • Column Selector-component which is used by any sform(search form) components to choose which columns to show.
    • it referenced by ColumnSelectorDlg-component
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project structure

ColumnSelectorDlg folder

  • Column Selector-component which is used by any sform(search form) components to choose which columns to show.
    • it references ColumnSelector-component
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project structure

MessageDialog folder

  • Message Dialog-ready to use component.

UniqServiceFilter folder

  • Filter-component which is used by any sform(search form) components for entering a filter by primary or unique key.
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project structure

WebServiceFilter folder

  • Filter-component which is used by any sform(search form) components to enter a repeatable filter on the columns of the current View.
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project structure

directives folder

Deprecated. (directive to format the number as a bitmask).

enums folder

Deprecated. (Global enums).

interceptors folder

app-glbl.interceptor.ts- class which implements HttpInterceptor. It adds Authorization-header in each Http-request after user's login.

modules folder

Angular modules for the components mentioned above and to import some modules which are used across app.


Deprecated. (in addition to the directive to format the number as a bitmask).

services folder


It is the service which is used to load /assets/app-config.json before bootstrap the app. (mainly used by dockerized app)


It is the service which is used by login/logout/register/change password forms


  • It is the service which
    • implements CanActivate, CanActivateChild, HttpParameterCodec.
    • holds some global app settings
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