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102 Security: Authorization. Client Side.

chempkovsky edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

Two aspects

Security has two aspects: Authentication and Authorization


  • The real data protection is implemented on the server side. Client-side security is just a cosmetic helper. It can disable navigation to those pages whose data is not allowed for the current user. It can disable navigation to add/update/remove pages if these operations are disabled for the current user and for the current view.
  • We don't need to generate additional code for the Angular project since everything is already in place.
    • app-glbl-settings.service.ts-service implements CanActivate-inteface
    • app-glbl-login.component.ts-the component makes an additional permission vector request for the current user
      • this.scrtSvr.getPermissions()-method is called after login
    doSubmit() {
        if(typeof this.loginFormGroup === 'undefined') return;
        if(this.loginFormGroup === null) return;
        if (this.loginFormGroup.invalid) {
        this.scrtSvr.login(this.loginFormGroup.controls['username'].value, this.loginFormGroup.controls['password'].value)
            next: (respdata: any ) => { // success path
                this.appGlblSettings.userName = this.loginFormGroup.controls['username'].value;

                    next: (rspdt: {modelName: string, userPerms: number}[]) => {
                        this.appGlblSettings.vwModels = {};
                        rspdt.forEach((r: {modelName: string, userPerms: number}) => {
                            this.appGlblSettings.vwModels[r.modelName] = r.userPerms;
                    error: (error) => { 
                        this.appGlblSettings.showError('http', error)
            error: (error) => { // error path
                this.appGlblSettings.showError('http', error)
  • when all will be ready we need to turn on cosmetic security.
    • app-glbl-settings.service.ts-service and modify two methods by removing the very first line of code
    getViewModelMask(vwModel: string): number {
      return 31; // delete this line when vwModels is ready
      let pk = this.vwModels[vwModel];
      if(typeof pk === 'undefined') { return 0; } else { return pk; }
    getDashBrdMask(dshBrd: string): number {
      return 1; // delete this line when dshBrds is ready
      let pk = this.dshBrds[dshBrd];
      if(typeof pk === 'undefined') { return 0; } else { return pk; }
  • open the app-glbl-logout.component.ts-file
    • doSubmit()-method removes all permission after logout
    doSubmit() {
        this.appGlblSettings.perms = [0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,  0,0,  1,0,0];
        this.appGlblSettings.userName = null;
        this.appGlblSettings.vwModels = {};
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