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103 Security: Authorization. Server Side.

chempkovsky edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

Two aspects

Security has two aspects: Authentication and Authorization


  • As we wrote above Microsof IdentityDbContext will be used to implement individual user accounts.
    • The first thing to note is the lack of a user interface for managing user data.
    • The second thing is the permissions which Angular project should receive right after login.
      • Again, we don't have a store for such permissions, and we don't have a Web API service that sends permissions to the client side.
  • User interface for managing user data should include Admin pages which
    • list the users
      • modify the users data
    • list the app roles
      • modify role assignment for the selected user
  • Storage for permissions should include Admin pages which
    • list all DTOs defined in the app
    • assign permission bitmask for the pair of the given role and the given DTO
      • permission bitmask consists of the permission bits
        • BIT0: permission to display the list of items
        • BIT1: permission to Add item
        • BIT2: permission to Update item
        • BIT3: permission to Delete item
        • BIT4: permission to apply full scan filtering
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