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300 Micro frontend support

chempkovsky edited this page Nov 12, 2022 · 25 revisions

Steps required to accomplish the task


What we are going to create

  • We continue to work with the server side created for monolithic app. Suppose our Visual Studio 22 solution is in the folder:
  • according to the rules we are going to create two apps
    • AngularPhonebook for DbContext=PhbkDbContext. It will play the of Module Federation Shell.
      • We will place all the generated code for this application in a set of separate libraries.
      • The only app project files that will change:
        • src/app/app-routing.module.ts
        • src/app/app.component.ts
        • src/app/app.component.html
    • AngularAsp for DbContext=aspnetchckdbcontext. It will play the of Module Federation Remote.
      • According to the note not all generated code for this application we will place in a set of separate libraries.

Created angular projects on github

Create Angular Repository

  • run windows terminal, cd the drive and folder you like
    • our choice was E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\
  • run the command
ng new AngularMatPhonebookSolution --no-create-application
cd AngularMatPhonebookSolution
  • It will create mono-repo project with one special subfolder = projects

AngularPhonebook app

Create AngularPhonebook app

Create common modules library

  • run windows terminal, cd the folder of the mono-repo project.
    • In our case, we have E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\AngularMatPhonebookSolution
  • run the command
ng generate library common-modules
  • After creating we
    • remove all files in the 'projects/common-modules/src/lib'-subfolders
    • modify 'projects/common-modules/src/public-api.ts'-file as follows:
import '@angular/localize/init';
  • repeat the steps like those of the paragraph 00000 ContextLevelBatch
    • From inside Visual Studio 2022
      • right click the 'projects/common-modules/src/lib'-folder
      • run JavaScripts Wizard
      • select PhbkDbContext-dbcontext
      • run context level batch with a name:
        • 00001-ContextLevelMonoCommonModulesBatch.json (or 00001-ContextLevelMonoCommonModulesBatch.kendo.json)
      • Note: The script generates the code and modifies 'projects/common-modules/src/public-api.ts'-file

Create common interfaces library

  • to create the lib run the command
ng generate library common-interfaces
  • Repeat the steps described for common-modules-library, but run the script
    • 00002-ContextLevelMonoCommonInterfacesBatch.json(or 00002-ContextLevelMonoCommonInterfacesBatch.kendo.json)

Create common services library

  • to create the lib run the command
ng generate library common-services
  • Repeat the steps described for common-modules-library, but run the script
    • 00003-ContextLevelMonoCommonServicesBatch.json(or 00003-ContextLevelMonoCommonServicesBatch.kendo.json)

Create common formatters library

  • to create the lib run the command
ng generate library common-formatters
  • Repeat the steps described for common-modules-library, but run the script
    • 00004-ContextLevelMonoCommonFormattersBatch.json(or 00004-ContextLevelMonoCommonFormattersBatch.kendo.json)

Create common components library

  • to create the lib run the command
ng generate library common-components
  • Repeat the steps described for common-modules-library, but run the script
    • 00005-ContextLevelMonoCommonComponentsBatch.json(or 00005-ContextLevelMonoCommonComponentsBatch.kendo.json)

Create common auth library

  • to create the lib run the command
ng generate library common-auth
  • Repeat the steps described for common-modules-library, but run the script
    • 00201-ContextLevelMonoCommonAuth.json(or 00201-ContextLevelMonoCommonAuth.kendo.json)

Run AssetsFolderData script

  • Repeat the steps of the paragraph
    • From inside Visual Studio 2022
      • right click the 'projects/AngularPhonebook/src/app'-folder
      • ...
      • select PhbkDbContext-dbcontext
      • generate the script
        • 00010-AssetsFolderData.json

Run appCompAndModule script

  • Repeat the steps of the paragraph
    • From inside Visual Studio 2022
      • right click the 'projects/AngularPhonebook/src/app'-folder
      • ...
      • select PhbkDbContext-dbcontext
      • generate the script
        • 00231-ContextLevelMonoAppCompAndModule.json (or 00231-ContextLevelMonoAppCompAndModule.kendo.json)

Localize note

  • Open projects/AngularPhonebook/src/polyfills.ts-file
  • Make sure import 'zone.js'; is before the import '@angular/localize/init', i.e. the correct code is as follows:
import 'zone.js';  // Included with Angular CLI.
import '@angular/localize/init';

run app

  • run the command
ng serve --project=AngularPhonebook -o
  • make sure, navigation works to login, logout, ..., home.

Create phonebook interfaces library

  • run the command
ng generate library phonebook-interfaces
  • After creating we
    • remove all files in the 'projects/phonebook-interfaces/src/lib'-subfolders
    • modify 'projects/phonebook-interfaces/src/public-api.ts'-file as follows:
import '@angular/localize/init';
  • create projects/phonebook-interfaces/src/lib/lpd-division-subfolder

    • right click projects/phonebook-interfaces/src/lib/lpd-division-subfolder
    • run JavaScripts Wizard
      • select PhbkDbContext
      • for select lpd-division-view
      • run 01101-MonoInterfaces.json-batch
  • repeat the steps with

    • lpd-emp-first-name, lpd-emp-first-name-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpd-emp-last-name, lpd-emp-last-name-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpd-emp-second-name, lpd-emp-second-name-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpd-phone, lpd-phone-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-division01, lpr-division01-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-division02, lpr-division02-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-employee01, lpr-employee01-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-employee02, lpr-employee02-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-phone01, lpr-phone01-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-phone02, lpr-phone02-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-phone03, lpr-phone03-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • lpr-phone04, lpr-phone04-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • phbk-division, phbk-division-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • phbk-employee, phbk-employee-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • phbk-enterprise, phbk-enterprise-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • phbk-phone, phbk-phone-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
    • phbk-phone-type, phbk-phone-type-view and 01101-MonoInterfaces.json
  • run the command

ng build --project=phonebook-interfaces

Create phonebook services library

  • run the command
ng generate library phonebook-services
  • Repeat the steps described for phonebook-interfaces-library, but run the script
    • 01401-MonoWebApiService.json

Create phonebook scforms library

  • run the command
ng generate library phonebook-sforms
  • After creating we
    • remove all files in the 'projects/phonebook-sforms/src/lib'-subfolders
    • modify 'projects/phonebook-sforms/src/public-api.ts'-file as follows:
import '@angular/localize/init';
  • create projects/phonebook-sforms/src/lib/phbk-division-subfolder
    • right click projects/phonebook-sforms/src/lib/phbk-division-subfolder
    • run JavaScripts Wizard
      • select PhbkDbContext
      • for select phbk-division-view
      • run 01421-MonoSForm.json-batch (or 01421-MonoSForm.kendo.json)
  • repeat the steps with
    • phbk-employee, phbk-employee-view and 01421-MonoSForm.json(or 01421-MonoSForm.kendo.json)
    • phbk-enterprise, phbk-enterprise-view and 01421-MonoSForm.json(or 01421-MonoSForm.kendo.json)
    • phbk-phone, phbk-phone-view and 01421-MonoSForm.json(or 01421-MonoSForm.kendo.json)
    • phbk-phone-type, phbk-phone-type-view and 01421-MonoSForm.json(or 01421-MonoSForm.kendo.json)

Create phonebook updforms library

  • run the command
ng generate library phonebook-updforms
  • Repeat the steps described for phonebook-sforms-library, but run the scripts
    • 01501-MonoVform.json (01501-MonoVform.kendo.json)
    • 01503-MonoAform.json (01503-MonoAform.kendo.json)
    • 01503-MonoUform.json (01503-MonoUform.kendo.json)
    • 01503-MonoDform.json (01503-MonoDform.kendo.json)

Create phonebook lforms library

  • run the command
ng generate library phonebook-lforms
  • Repeat the steps described for phonebook-sforms-library, but run the scripts
    • 01601-MonoLform.json (or 01601-MonoLform.kendo.json)

Create phonebook rlforms library

  • run the command
ng generate library phonebook-rlforms
  • Repeat the steps described for phonebook-sforms-library, but run the scripts:
    • 01961-MonoRv.json (or 01961-MonoRv.kendo.json)
    • 01963-MonoRa.json (or 01963-MonoRa.kendo.json)
    • 01965-MonoRu.json (or 01965-MonoRu.kendo.json)
    • 01967-MonoRd.json (or 01967-MonoRd.kendo.json)
    • 01969-MonoRl.json (or 01969-MonoRl.kendo.json)
  • Note: The order of entities is important. Please apply Detail-first-rule. So the correct order is as follows:
    • phbk-phone-view
    • phbk-division-view
    • phbk-employee-view
    • phbk-enterprise-view
    • phbk-phone-type

Create phonebook rdlforms library

  • run the command
ng generate library phonebook-rdlforms
  • Repeat the steps described for phonebook-sforms-library, but run the scripts:
    • 02021-MonoRdl.json (or 02021-MonoRdl.kendo.json)
  • Note: The order of entities is important. Please apply Detail-first-rule. So the correct order is as follows:
    • phbk-phone-view
    • phbk-division-view
    • phbk-employee-view
    • phbk-enterprise-view
    • phbk-phone-type

Generate routes for AngularPhonebook app

  • Next steps must be applied for the following views:

    • phbk-phone-view
    • phbk-division-view
    • phbk-employee-view
    • phbk-enterprise-view
    • phbk-phone-type
  • From inside Visual Studio 2022

    • right click projects/angular-phonebook/src/app-folder
    • run JavaScripts Wizard
    • select PhbkDbContext-dbcontext
    • select the view from the list above
    • run 01980-R-lazy.routes.ts/r-lazy.routes.ts.t4 which is not the batch script.
      • do not save the file but copy generated code and paste into const routes: Routes = [...]-array of the projects/angular-phonebook/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
      • read the instruction at the beginning of the generated code
        • here is an example:
// How to use:
//  1.
//  <li [ngbNavItem] > <a ngbNavLink [routerLink]="['PhbkPhoneTypeView']" routerLinkActive="active">List of Phone Types</a>/li>                  
//  2.
//  <a mat-list-item [routerLink]="['PhbkPhoneTypeView']" routerLinkActive="active">List of Phone Types</a>
//  3.
//  mainMenuItems: Array<{id?: number | string, parentId?: number | string, text?: string, icon?: string, disabled?: boolean, selected?: boolean, separator?: boolean, path?: string}> = [
//      { text: "Home", icon: "k-i-home", selected: false, path: "/home" },
//      ...
//      { text: "List of Phone Types", icon: "k-i-grid", selected: false, path: 'PhbkPhoneTypeView' },
//      ...
//  // never leave separator as the last element of an array
//  //      { separator: true },
//  ]
// 2. Do not save this file.
// Copy generated paths and insert into "const routes: Routes = [...] "-array
// const routes: Routes = [
//  ...

  • Repeat the steps above with 02060-Rdl-lazy.routes.ts/rdl-lazy.routes.ts.t4, which is not a batch script.

AngularPhonebook application launch

  • Build all the libraries. The build order is important:
    • common-modules
    • common-interfaces
    • common-services
    • common-formatters
    • common-components
    • common-auth
    • phonebook-interfaces
    • phonebook-services
    • phonebook-sforms
    • phonebook-updforms
    • phonebook-lforms
    • phonebook-rlforms
    • phonebook-rdlforms
  • read the article 015 Preparing projects for application launch
  • run the app
ng serve --project=AngularPhonebook -o

AngularAsp app

Create AngularAsp app

Shared libs

  • We do not need to generate second copy of the common-xxxx-libraries
    • Instead
      • Open 'PhBkContext.PhBkContext.csproj.PhBkContext.PhBk.PhbkDbContext.json' and copy "CommonStaffs": [...]-array
      • Open PhBkContext.PhBkContext.csproj.PhBkContext.Auth.aspnetchckdbcontext.json and replace "CommonStaffs": [...]-array with "CommonStaffs": [...]`-array of the 'PhBkContext.PhBkContext.csproj.PhBkContext.PhBk.PhbkDbContext.json'

Run AssetsFolderData script for AngularAsp

  • repeat the steps described in the paragraph. Please use aspnetchckdbcontext-Dbcontext.

Run appCompAndModule script for AngularAsp

  • repeat the steps described in the paragraph. Please use aspnetchckdbcontext-Dbcontext.

Add module federation support for AngularAsp

  • run the command:
ng add @angular-architects/module-federation --project AngularAsp --port 4201 --type remote

Create asp interfaces library

  • run the command
ng generate library asp-interfaces
  • After creating we
    • remove all files in the 'projects/asp-interfaces/src/lib'-subfolders
    • modify 'projects/asp-interfaces/src/public-api.ts'-file as follows:
import '@angular/localize/init';
  • From inside Visual Studio 2022
    • right click the 'projects/asp-interfaces/src/lib'-folder
    • run JavaScripts Wizard
    • select aspnetchckdbcontext-dbcontext
    • select aspnetmodel-view-ViewModel
    • run 02140-MonoAspNetAllInterfacesBatch.json-batch script

Create asp services library

  • run the command
ng generate library asp-services
  • Repeat the steps described for asp-interfaces-library, but run the script
    • 02141-MonoAspNetAllWebApiServicesBatch.json

Create asp sforms library

  • run the command
ng generate library asp-sforms
  • Repeat the steps described for asp-interfaces-library, but run the script
    • 02142-MonoAspNetAllSFormsBatch.json (or 02142-MonoAspNetAllSFormsBatch.kendo.json)

Create asp updforms library

  • run the command
ng generate library asp-updforms
  • Repeat the steps described for asp-interfaces-library, but run the scripts
    • 02143-MonoAspNetAllVformsBatch.json (or 02143-MonoAspNetAllVformsBatch.kendo.json)
    • 02144-MonoAspNetAllAformsBatch.json (or 02144-MonoAspNetAllAformsBatch.kendo.json)
    • 02145-MonoAspNetAllUformsBatch.json (or 02145-MonoAspNetAllUformsBatch.kendo.json)
    • 02146-MonoAspNetAllDformsBatch.json (or 02146-MonoAspNetAllDformsBatch.kendo.json)

Generate navigation aware components

  • Please read Break the rules for the second Micro-frontend App paragraph.
  • From inside Visual Studio 2022
    • right click the 'projects/angular-asp/src/app'-folder
    • run JavaScripts Wizard
    • select aspnetchckdbcontext-dbcontext
    • select aspnetmodel-view-ViewModel
    • run the following scripts
      • 02147-MonoAspNetAllRvBatch.json (or 02147-MonoAspNetAllRvBatch.kendo.json)
      • 02148-MonoAspNetAllRaBatch.json (or 02148-MonoAspNetAllRaBatch.kendo.json)
      • 02149-MonoAspNetAllRuBatch.json (or 02149-MonoAspNetAllRuBatch.kendo.json)
      • 02150-MonoAspNetAllRdBatch.json (or 02150-MonoAspNetAllRdBatch.kendo.json)
      • 02151-MonoAspNetAllRlBatch.json (or 02151-MonoAspNetAllRlBatch.kendo.json)
      • 02152-MonoAspNetAllRdlBatch.json (or 02152-MonoAspNetAllRdlBatch.kendo.json)
    • run the scripts above second time in the same order.
      • Some generated components reference other ones which can not be ready for the first time. So some components will be generated with errors after the first pass. (This is why generators do not throw an exceptions. Any errors will be written as a comments.) After the second pass all should be fine.

Try to launch Angular App app

  • Build all the libraries. The build order is important:

    • common-modules
    • common-interfaces
    • common-services
    • common-formatters
    • common-components
    • common-auth
    • asp-interfaces
    • asp-services
    • asp-sforms
    • asp-updforms
  • run the command

ng serve --project=AngularAsp -o
  • the response shows the errors
Build at: 2022-11-10T19:27:27.698Z - Hash: c9f126d23b37541f - Time: 33961ms

./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-ra-lazy.routing.module.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):
Error: E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\AngularMatPhonebookSolution\projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\aspnetmodel-view\aspnetmodel-view-ra-lazy.routing.module.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property.

./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-ra.module.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):      
Error: E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\AngularMatPhonebookSolution\projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\aspnetmodel-view\aspnetmodel-view-ra.module.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property.

./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-ra.routing.module.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):
Error: E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\AngularMatPhonebookSolution\projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\aspnetmodel-view\aspnetmodel-view-ra.routing.module.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property.

./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-rd-lazy.routing.module.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):
Error: E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\AngularMatPhonebookSolution\projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\aspnetmodel-view\aspnetmodel-view-rd-lazy.routing.module.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property.

./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-rd.module.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):      
Error: E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\AngularMatPhonebookSolution\projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\aspnetmodel-view\aspnetmodel-view-rd.module.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property.

./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-rd.routing.module.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):
Error: E:\Development\PhonebookSolution\AngularMatPhonebookSolution\projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\aspnetmodel-view\aspnetmodel-view-rd.routing.module.ts is missing from the TypeScript compilation. Please make sure it is in your tsconfig via the 'files' or 'include' property.

  • open the projects\angular-asp\webpack.config.js file and comment all the lines inside exposes: { ... } declaration

name: 'AngularAsp',
  exposes: {
    "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-rdl-lazy.routing.module": "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-rdl-lazy.routing.module",
    "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-rv-lazy.routing.module": "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetmodel-view/aspnetmodel-view-rv-lazy.routing.module",


    "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetusermask-view/aspnetusermask-view-rdl.routing.module": "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetusermask-view/aspnetusermask-view-rdl.routing.module",
    "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetusermask-view/aspnetusermask-view-rdl-lazy.routing.module": "./projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetusermask-view/aspnetusermask-view-rdl-lazy.routing.module"
  shared: {
    ...shareAll({ singleton: true, strictVersion: true, requiredVersion: 'auto' }),

  • run the command again
ng serve --project=AngularAsp -o
  • our app starts without errors
  • Now remove temporary comments in the projects\angular-asp\webpack.config.js file

Generate routes for AngularAsp app

  • read Routes article first.

  • repeat the steps described in the Generate routes for AngularPhonebook app paragraph.

    • From inside Visual Studio 2022
      • right click the 'projects/angular-asp/src/app'-folder
      • run JavaScripts Wizard
      • select aspnetchckdbcontext-dbcontext
      • ...
  • generate routes for

    • aspnetmodelView
    • aspnetroleView
    • aspnetuserView
  • run the command again

ng serve --project=AngularAsp -o
  • our app starts without errors

AngularAsp application launch

Add module-federation support for AngularPhonebook

  • run the command
ng add @angular-architects/module-federation --project AngularPhonebook --port 4200 --type dynamic-host
  • modify projects\angular-phonebook\src\assets\mf.manifest.json
    • "angularAsp" must be replaced with "AngularAsp"
	"AngularAsp": "http://localhost:4201/remoteEntry.js"

Modify webpack config js

  • open both files
    • projects\angular-phonebook\webpack.config.js
    • projects\angular-asp\webpack.config.js
  • add sharedMappings as follows:
module.exports = withModuleFederationPlugin({


  sharedMappings: ['common-modules','common-interfaces','common-services','common-formatters','common-components','common-auth',
  'asp-interfaces', 'asp-services', 'asp-sforms', 'asp-updforms'],

Generate additional routes for AngularPhonebook app

  • From inside Visual Studio 2022
    • right click the 'projects/angular-phonebook/src/app'-folder
    • run JavaScripts Wizard
    • select aspnetchckdbcontext-dbcontext !!! (not PhbkDbContext!!!)
    • for the following ModelViews
      • aspnetmodelView
      • aspnetroleView
      • aspnetuserView
    • run the following scripts
      • 01980-R-lazy.routes.ts/r-lazy.routes.ts.t4
      • 02060-Rdl-lazy.routes.ts/rdl-lazy.routes.ts.t4
    • modify the following files with the generated data
      • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app-routing.module.ts
      • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app.component.html

Modify global service

  • open the projects\common-services\src\lib\app-glbl-settings.service.ts-file
  • modify getWebApiPrefix-method as follows
    public getWebApiPrefix(vwNm: string): string {
        let reslt: string = '';
        if(!(vwNm === null)) {
                // here: defining url by ViewName

                if (vwNm === 'LpdDivisionView' || vwNm === 'LprDivision01View' || vwNm === 'LprDivision02View') {
                  reslt = this._settings.config.divisionLpWebApi;
                } else if (vwNm === 'LpdEmpLastNameView' || vwNm === 'LpdEmpFirstNameView' || vwNm === 'LpdEmpSecondNameView' || vwNm === 'LprEmployee01View' || vwNm === 'LprEmployee02View' ) {
                    reslt = this._settings.config.employeeLpWebApi;
                } else if (vwNm === 'LpdPhoneView' || vwNm === 'LprPhone01View' || vwNm === 'LprPhone02View' || vwNm === 'LprPhone03View' || vwNm === 'LprPhone04View' ) {
                    reslt = this._settings.config.phoneLpWebApi;
                } else {
                  reslt = this._settings.config.webApiUrl;
                //reslt =  this._settings.config.webApiUrl; // 'https://localhost:7148/';
        return reslt;
  • read the paragraph first
  • modify projects\angular-asp\src\assets\app-config.json-file:
    • set correct ports
    • the last /-symbol of the addresses is important
    "webApiUrl": "https://localhost:7163/",
    "securityUrl": "https://localhost:7163/",
    "permissionWebApi": "https://localhost:7163/",
    "divisionLpWebApi": "https://localhost:7079/",
    "employeeLpWebApi": "https://localhost:7079/",
    "phoneLpWebApi": "https://localhost:7079/"
  • rebuild common-services
    • run the command
ng build --project common-services

module federation applications launch

  • with Visual studio start WebApi services
  • start AngularAsp with a command: ng serve --project=AngularAsp -o
  • start AngularPhonebook with a command: ng serve --project=AngularPhonebook -o


  • read the article first
  • Use cases
    • Use case 1: generate features in the separate library, where this separate library references the code of other libraries (not the code of the apps)
      • can be used by module federation shell application
      • can be used by module federation remote application
    • Use case 2: generate features in the application
      • can be used by owning applications
      • can be used by module federation shell if the owning applications is module federation remote
    • Use case 3: generate features in the separate library, where this separate library references the code of the application
      • can be used by module federation shell application

Feature Use case 1

Feature Library of the module federation shell application
  • Generate the library
ng generate library phonebook-features
  • Clear src/lib folder of the library
    • remove all files in the src/lib-folder of the phonebook-features-library
  • Remove content of the projects\phonebook-features\src\public-api.ts-file
    • the content of the fiile must be as follows
 * Public API Surface of phonebook-features
  • Create subfolders under src/lib folder
    • phonebook-lforms-ftrs
    • phonebook-rdlforms-ftrs
    • phonebook-rlforms-ftrs
  • From inside Visual Studio 2022
    • right click projects\phonebook-features\src\lib\phonebook-lforms-ftrs
    • run FeatureScripts Wizard
    • choose PhbkDbContext-DbContext
    • name the feature as LformsFeature
    • add
      • PhbkPhoneTypeView/01600-Lform.component.ts
      • PhbkEnterpriseView/01600-Lform.component.ts
      • PhbkDivisionView/01600-Lform.component.ts
      • PhbkEmployeeView/01600-Lform.component.ts
      • PhbkPhoneView/01600-Lform.component.ts
    • Run the feature scripts and save the result (the order is important)
  • From inside Visual Studio 2022
    • right click projects\angular-phonebook\src\app. (It's an app folder of the angular-phonebook-application)
    • run FeatureScripts Wizard
    • choose PhbkDbContext-DbContext
    • select LformsFeature-feature
    • run the but do not save the result
      • copy generated html and typescript below into
        • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app.component.html
        • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app-routing.module.ts
  • here is html
<a mat-list-item [routerLink]="['/lformsfeature']" routerLinkActive="active">Title for LformsFeature </a>
  • here is typescript
    {  path: 'lformsfeature', 
    loadChildren: () => import('phonebook-features').then(m => m.LformsFeatureFtrLazyRoutingModule), 
    data: { vn: 'LformsFeatureFtrComponent', va: 'l'} }, 
  • Repeating the steps above and
    • for the phonebook-rdlforms-ftrs-subfolder create RdListsFeature-feature for
      • PhbkEnterpriseView/02020-Rdlist.component.ts
    • for the phonebook-rlforms-ftrs-subfolder create RListsFeature-feature for
      • PhbkEnterpriseView/02020-Rdlist.component.ts
Feature Library of the module federation remote application
  • At first we need a library which
    • will not reference the code of the AngularAsp application
    • will be referenced by the feature library
  • Generate asp-lforms library
    • run the code
ng generate library asp-lforms
  • repeat the steps of the Create phonebook-lforms library paragraph

    • use aspnetchckdbcontext-Dbcontext
    • create Lforms for
      • aspnetmodel-view
      • aspnetrole-view
      • aspnetuser-view
  • Now, create Feature library and generate the code

    • Library name is asp-lforms-ftr
    • Dbcontext is aspnetchckdbcontext
    • Feature name is AspLformsFeature
    • Add to feature:
      • aspnetmodelView/01600-Lform.component.ts
      • aspnetroleView/01600-Lform.component.ts
      • aspnetuserView/01600-Lform.component.ts
  • From inside Visual Studio 2022

    • right click projects\angular-phonebook\src\app. (It's an app folder of the angular-phonebook-application)
    • run FeatureScripts Wizard
    • choose aspnetchckdbcontext-DbContext
    • select AspLformsFeature-feature
    • run the but do not save the result
      • copy generated html and typescript into
        • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app.component.html
        • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app-routing.module.ts
  • From inside Visual Studio 2022

    • right click projects\angular-asp\src\app. (It's an app folder of the angular-asp-application)
    • run FeatureScripts Wizard
    • choose aspnetchckdbcontext-DbContext
    • select AspLformsFeature-feature
    • run the but do not save the result
      • copy generated html and typescript into
        • projects\angular-asp\src\app\app.component.html
        • projects\angular-asp\src\app\app-routing.module.ts
  • open both files

    • projects\angular-phonebook\webpack.config.js
    • projects\angular-asp\webpack.config.js
  • modify sharedMappings-array as follows:

  sharedMappings: ['common-modules', 'common-interfaces', 'common-services', 'common-formatters', 'common-components', 'common-auth', 'asp-interfaces', 'asp-services', 'asp-sforms', 'asp-updforms', 'asp-lforms', 'asp-lforms-ftr']

Feature Use case 2

  • create the projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\asp-rlforms-ftr01-folder

  • From inside Visual Studio 2022

    • right click projects\angular-asp\src\app\components\asp-rlforms-ftr01. (It's the folder of the angular-asp-application)
    • run FeatureScripts Wizard
    • create the feature
      • Dbcontext is aspnetchckdbcontext
      • Feature name is AspRlFeature01
      • Add to feature:
        • aspnetuserView/01920-Rlist.component.ts
  • Run the for both

    • projects\angular-asp\src\app
    • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app
  • Please compare the code of route:

// for angular-asp
{  path: 'asprlfeature01', 
loadChildren: () => import('./components/asp-rlforms-ftr01/').then(m => m.AspRlFeature01FtrLazyRoutingModule), 
data: { vn: 'AspRlFeature01FtrComponent', va: 'l'} }, 

// for angular-phonebook
  {  path: 'asprlfeature01', 
  loadChildren: () => loadRemoteModule({type: 'manifest', remoteName: 'AngularAsp', exposedModule: './projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/asp-rlforms-ftr01/'}).then(m => m.AspRlFeature01FtrLazyRoutingModule), 
  data: { vn: 'AspRlFeature01FtrComponent', va: 'l'} }, 

Feature Use case 3

  • create the library
ng generate library asp-rlforms-ftr
  • delete the files in the projects\asp-rlforms-ftr\src\lib-folder

  • delete content in the projects\asp-rlforms-ftr\src\public-api.ts-file

  • From inside Visual Studio 2022

    • right click projects\asp-rlforms-ftr\src\lib.
    • run FeatureScripts Wizard
    • create the feature
      • Dbcontext is aspnetchckdbcontext
      • Feature name is AspUserRlistFeature
      • Add to feature:
        • aspnetuserView/01920-Rlist.component.ts
  • Open the projects\asp-rlforms-ftr\src\lib\

    • here is a fragment
    { path: 'aspnetuserView/aspnetuserrolesView/:hf2/ViewaspnetuserrolesView/:hf3/:id3', 
        loadChildren: () => loadRemoteModule({type: 'manifest', remoteName: 'AngularAsp', exposedModule: './projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetuserroles-view/aspnetuserroles-view-rv-lazy.routing.module'}).then(m => m.AspnetuserrolesViewRvLazyRoutingModule),
        data: { vn: 'aspnetuserrolesView', va: 'v', /* sf: true,  title: 'View User Role', */ hf: 'hf3',  id: 'id3', dp: 3}},

    { path: 'aspnetuserView/aspnetuserrolesView/:hf2/AddaspnetuserrolesView/:hf3', 
        loadChildren: () => loadRemoteModule({type: 'manifest', remoteName: 'AngularAsp', exposedModule: './projects/angular-asp/src/app/components/aspnetuserroles-view/aspnetuserroles-view-ra-lazy.routing.module'}).then(m => m.AspnetuserrolesViewRaLazyRoutingModule),
        data: { vn: 'aspnetuserrolesView', va: 'a', /* sf: true,  title: 'Add User Role', */ hf: 'hf3',  dp: 3}},
  • with loadRemoteModule(...) it can not be used by AngularAsp-application

  • Of course,

    • we can run the for
      • projects\angular-asp\src\app
    • we can launch 'AngularAsp'-application
      • we can try to navigate to AspUserRlistFeature, but exception will be thrown
core.mjs:7635 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Manifest does not contain AngularAsp
Error: Manifest does not contain AngularAsp
    at angular-architects-module-federation-runtime.mjs:80:19
    at (<anonymous>)
    at asyncGeneratorStep (asyncToGenerator.js:3:1)
    at _next (asyncToGenerator.js:25:1)
    at asyncToGenerator.js:32:1
    at new ZoneAwarePromise (zone.js:1429:21)
    at asyncToGenerator.js:21:1
    at loadRemoteModule (angular-architects-module-federation-runtime.mjs:69:32)
    at loadChildren (
    at RouterConfigLoader.loadModuleFactoryOrRoutes (router.mjs:4552:35)
    at resolvePromise (zone.js:1211:31)
    at resolvePromise (zone.js:1165:17)
    at zone.js:1278:17
    at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:406:31)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:26218:33)
    at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:405:60)
    at Zone.runTask (zone.js:178:47)
    at drainMicroTaskQueue (zone.js:585:35)
    at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (zone.js:491:21)
    at invokeTask (zone.js:1661:18)
  • Run the for
    • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app
  • modify
    • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app.component.html
    • projects\angular-phonebook\src\app\app-routing.module.ts
  • Launch both app,
    • navigation works for angular-phonebook and AspUserRlistFeature.
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