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083 Preparing the Lookup resource application to run

chempkovsky edited this page Jun 7, 2022 · 2 revisions


  • Since, it's a demo project, we did not create separate WebApi app for the PhbkEmployeeView Lookup resource services, though it is highly recommended.
    • instead, we created a separate Dbcontext for the PhbkEmployeeView Lookup resource
    • instead, we created a separate consumer
    • instead, we will create a separate copy of the Service Bus in the LpPhBkWebApp-app with a separate section in the appsettings.json.
  • Having three "instead", it'll be very easy to migrate to the separate WebApi app for the PhbkEmployeeView Lookup resource services.
  • Detailed comments about configuration have already been made in the article 46
  • We do not describe step by step instructions in this article
    • the only information summary will be presented

Set up LpPhBkWebApp

appsettings json for LpPhBkWebApp

  • the following elements must be added to the appsettings.json file

    • connection string for the LpEmpPhBkContext dbcontext
    • PhbkEmployeeViewExtForLkUpConf-section to configure second instance of the Service Bus
  • We introduce ConnectionStrings:LpEmpPhBkConnection-item to configure LpEmpPhBkContext-DbContext

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  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "LpPhnPhBkConnection": "Data Source=SVR2016SQL2017;Initial Catalog=LpPhnPhBkDbDef;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=your_password_heer",
    "LpEmpPhBkConnection": "Data Source=SVR2016SQL2017;Initial Catalog=LpEmpPhBkDbDef;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=your_password_heer",
    "LpPhBkConnection": "Data Source=SVR2016SQL2017;Initial Catalog=LpPhBkDbDef;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=your_password_heer",
  • open phbk-phone-view.extforlkup.interface.cs mentioned in the article 077. In the end of the file you will find the PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf-class along with the instructions on how to use it
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  In appsettings.json it must be added the section like below.
  1. If a RabbitMq cluster is present:

  "PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName ": "",
    "Username": "Admin",
    "Password": "Admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": [

  2. If a RabbitMq cluster is not present:

  "PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName ": "",
    "Username": "Admin",
    "Password": "Admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": []

  3. In the Program.cs file add the code like below:

  var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
  ConfigurationManager configuration = builder.Configuration;
  var myOptions = new PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf();


    public class PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf {
        public static string ConfName = "PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf";
        public string HostName { get; set; } = String.Empty;
        public string Username { get; set; } = String.Empty;
        public string Password { get; set; } = String.Empty;
        public string VirtualHostName { get; set; } = String.Empty;
        public string[] ClusterIpAddresses { get; set; } = null!;
  • We will use the same RabbitMq server, Vhost, user as those desribed in the article 046. Thus, the PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf-section will be identical to the PhbkDivisionViewExtForLkUpConf-section.
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  "PhbkDivisionViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName": "",
    "Username": "admin",
    "Password": "admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": []
  "PhbkEmployeeViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName": "",
    "Username": "admin",
    "Password": "admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": []
  "PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName": "",
    "Username": "admin",
    "Password": "admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": []

Program file for LpPhBkWebApp

  • Open Program.cs-file of the LpPhBkWebApp-project and register LpPhnPhBkContext-context
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var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
ConfigurationManager configuration = builder.Configuration;
builder.Services.AddDbContext<LpPhnPhBkContext>(options =>
  • to configure the second instance of the MassTransit Service Bus
    • read the article first. (It gives an example configuration)
  • Add the IBusLpPhbkPhone.cs-file in the Consumers-folder of the LpPhBkControllers.csproj-project with a code
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using MassTransit;

namespace LpPhBkControllers.Consumers
    public interface IBusLpPhbkPhone : IBus
  • Back to the Program.cs file
    • we get the PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf-section from appsettings.json-file
    • using PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf-section we configure second instance of the MassTransit Service Bus
      • builder.Services.AddMassTransit<IBusLpPhbkPhone>-code declares the second copy of the Service Bus.
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#region MassTransit config
var phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf = new PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf();
builder.Services.AddMassTransit<IBusLpPhbkPhone>(x => {
    //.Endpoint(e => { 
    //    e.Name = "phbk-division-view"; 

    x.UsingRabbitMq((context, configurator) => {
        configurator.Host(phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.HostName, phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.VirtualHostName, h => {
            if (phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.ClusterIpAddresses != null)
                if (phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.ClusterIpAddresses.Length > 0)

                    h.UseCluster((configureCluster) => {
                        for (int i = 0; i < phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.ClusterIpAddresses.Length; i++)
            // h.PublisherConfirmation = true;
            // h.ConfigureBatchPublish(configure => { });
        // Quorum Queue settings
        // configurator.SetQuorumQueue(3);


Set up PhBkWebApp

appsettings json for PhBkWebApp

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  "PhbkDivisionViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName": "",
    "Username": "admin",
    "Password": "admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": []
  "PhbkEmployeeViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName": "",
    "Username": "admin",
    "Password": "admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": []
  "PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf": {
    "HostName": "",
    "Username": "admin",
    "Password": "admin",
    "VirtualHostName": "phbkhost",
    "ClusterIpAddresses": []

Program file for PhBkWebApp

  • read the article first. (It gives an example configuration)
    • Add the IBusLpPhbkPhone.cs-file in the MassTansitBuses-folder of the PhBkControllers.csproj-project with a code
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using MassTransit;
namespace PhBkControllers.MassTansitBuses
    public interface IBusLpPhbkPhone : IBus

  • Back to the Program.cs file
    • we get the PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf-section from appsettings.json-file
    • using PhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf-section we configure second instance of the MassTransit Service Bus
      • builder.Services.AddMassTransit<IBusLpPhbkPhone>-code declares the second copy of the Service Bus.
      • x.AddRequestClient<IPhbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpMsg>();-code registers second producer for the second copy of the Service Bus.
      • configurator.ConfigureEndpoints(context);- method call is NOT used.
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#region MassTransit config
builder.Services.AddMassTransit<IBusLpPhbkPhone>(x => {

    x.UsingRabbitMq((context, configurator) => {
        configurator.Host(phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.HostName, phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.VirtualHostName, h => {
            if (phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.ClusterIpAddresses != null)
                if (phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.ClusterIpAddresses.Length > 0)

                    h.UseCluster((configureCluster) => {
                        for (int i = 0; i < phbkPhoneViewExtForLkUpConf.ClusterIpAddresses.Length; i++)
            // h.PublisherConfirmation = true;
            // h.ConfigureBatchPublish(configure => { });
        // Quorum Queue settings
        // configurator.SetQuorumQueue(3);

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