Matching Game is a classic elimination of the game which players must remove all the images from the board. The board is N by N grid with different images. Players need to find images with same pattern. After players click the two matching images that have a path between them, images will disappear from the board. The game will end when all images disappear.
Live Site: Matching
- Vanilla Javascript
- Node.js and Express.js
- Native broswer API
- Players can start and pause the game.
- Play background music, sound effects and enable player to mute/unmute the sound.
- Players can click on images if two images are identical. Two images disappear if there is a valid path between them.
- Display happy face when there is match, otherwise a sad face is displayed.
- Show a count down when the game start.
- Players can click on images if two images are identical.Matched images will disapper with valid path.
- The paths cannot be more than three straight lines.
- Players need to find all the matched images with certain amount of time to win the game.
To determine whether the path between two images, a variation of DFS (Depth First Search) is used.