Author: Magi Chen
This script implements the Q-Learning algorithm to solve the Cartpole problem from the OpenAI Gym environment. The goal is to teach an agent to balance a pole on a moving cart for as long as possible.
- Action Space: The agent can take two actions - pushing the cart to the left or the right.
- Observation Space: The observations include the cart's position, velocity, pole angle, and pole angular velocity.
MappingConfig: A class that helps to map and discretize the continuous observation values to discrete states.
LearningRateControl: A class that controls the exploration and learning rates during training.
Q_Learning: The main class that encapsulates the Q-Learning algorithm. It includes methods to select actions, update Q-values, and run the Q-Learning process.
Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed: gym, numpy, matplotlib. You can install them using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt