An android mobile app implementing part of the instacart driver app features.
Key functionalities include:
- account registration and login
- location update and render it on the map
- location search and autocomplete
- route planning and simulate driver delivery
Activity: HomeMapActivity, MainActivity Fragment: LoginFragment, HomeFragment
driver register/login -> automatically locate on the map -> search bar, autocomplete -> route planning
Building UI in activities/fragments using navigation graph, followed material design.
is the application's entry point. Each screen is implemented inside a Fragment
The navigation between them uses the Navigation Graph. The navigation is defined in nav_graph.xml
Using navigation graph can reduce dependencies and latency when switching between screens.
Implement in LoginFragment
, uses Firebase Realtime Database
to store user auth data
Triggered by 2 buttons:
- Register
- Sign in
To get to the sign up screen, tap on "register" and enter an email, password and driver name. Then you can tap on "sign in " and enter email and password.
- Login: firebase auth(sign in/register account)
- fragment: check if email or phone is empty, password is empty/length < 6
- firebase connect callback, check if register/login is successful
Implement in HomeMapActivity
This allows user to fetch and render their realtime location with a marker on the google map when they successfully sign in. And this location will keep updated within 5s intervals.
- location fetching: GMS Fused location provider
- Start location update/stop update(start listening to location)
- GetLastlocation(update latest location on map activity)
Implement in HomeMapActivity
This allows user to search any location in the search bar, and a set of options will be listed automatically. User can tap on any location in the list, triggering the driver going to this destination. This feature uses `Google Place Autocomplete API.
Implement in HomeMapActivity
and location module
This allows user to plan the route between the current location and the destination.
A moving car will simulate driving along this route to complete delivery.
This module uses [retrofit
] to implement HTTP request,
- once a place is selected in the last step, it will trigger function: getdirection(implement http request using retrofit)
- using response(generated path) to draw route and draw moving car
All classes manage dependencies using Hilt
to maintain/inject instance in right lifecycle.