Spmv is a Chisel3 implementation of sparse matrix vector multiplication accelerator.
$ sbt
> test:runMain spmv.SpmvMain
You can build the emulator using
cd ../emulator && make ROCKETCHIP_ADDONS=spmv CONFIG=SpmvAccelConfig
You can then test it using the emulator
make run-asm-tests
You can emulate the software implementation of spmv by running
./emulator-freechips.rocketchip.system-SpmvAccelConfig pk ../spmv/tests/spmv-sw.rv
./emulator-freechips.rocketchip.system-SpmvAccelConfig pk ../spmv/tests/spmv-sw-bm.rv
You can emulate the accelerated spmv by running
./emulator-freechips.rocketchip.system-SpmvAccelConfig pk ../spmv/tests/spmv-rocc-bm.rv
./emulator-freechips.rocketchip.system-SpmvAccelConfig pk ../spmv/tests/spmv-rocc.rv
The -bm versions of the code omit the print statements and will complete faster.