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SD-HuBERT: Sentence-Level Self-Distillation Induces Syllabic Organization In HuBERT

This is the official code base for SD-HuBERT: Sentence-Level Self-Distillation Induces Syllabic Organization In HuBERT.




  1. Add a script that can process from an input directory and save to a designated output directory. Check the instruction in the Extract segments.


  1. Fixed some bugs.
  2. Added a heuristic silence filter that filters out segments with average wave amplitutes lower than 0.05. (wave form is z-scored.)
  3. The input wave forms are chunked by 5 seconds with 500ms overlapping, before being fed into SD-HuBERT. The outputs are overlapped-and-added to have a full-length feature. The reason for this is a) for a faster inference and b) the model is trained with 5 second samples.
  4. The script offers a batched inference. (still, the Mincut part is applied one by one.)


  1. We recommend to set up a conda environment. We trained/tested the model on Python 3.9.
conda create -n sdhubert python=3.9
conda activate sdhubert
  1. Please install a working version of PyTorch which fits your computing resources (tested on torch=1.13.1, CUDA==11.7, Linux).
  2. Then install dependency packages through pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. We use the segmentation algorithm suggested by Peng et al., 2023. We are using the implementation shared by the author, so please check the original code/installation here. You need Cython for this.
cd ./mincut
python build_ext --inplace

Apply SD-HuBERT to get syllabic tokens

Download the pretrained model and put under the ckpts/. The following code will provide segment boundaries and the pooled feature per segment.

from model.segmenter import SDHuBERTSegmenter, MincutWrapper

device = "cuda:0"
ckpt_path = "ckpts/" # or your own path
segmenter = SDHuBERTSegmenter(ckpt_path, layer=9, normcut_strategy="relative",
                              normcut_threshold=0.1, silence_threshold=0.02,

## syl_dur: asymptotic length of syllable in second. so the below syl_dur=0.1 means it woul have inital 100ms-long syllables.
## merge_threshold: when the similarity of the features of adjacent syllables are above this threshold, they are merged.
mincut = MincutWrapper(syl_dur=0.1, merge_threshold=0.4, ft_sr=50) 

wav_file = "samples/sample.flac"
outputs = mincut(segmenter(wav_file))

The output has following format.

{'segments': array of boundaries,
 'features': original feature of frames,
 'segment_features': average feature per segment,
 'length': length of frames (in 50hz),

The pipeline can handle multiple audio files at once. For that use case, input a list of wave files as wav_file and then the outputs should be also the list of individual outputs.

Please check an example jupyter notebook. exmample.ipynb

To get unit category, you can apply pretrained clustering model as follows. Please download the assets (km and reducer) and place under km/.

import numpy as np
import joblib

km_path = "km/"
reducer_path = "km/sdhubert_base_16384to4096.npy"
km_model = joblib.load(km_path)
reducer = np.load(reducer_path)

# Unit prediction
units = [reducer[km_model.predict(segment_feature)] for segment_feature in outputs['segment_features']]

Extract segments

To extract segments from audio files, please run the following command with your own input and output directory.

python --input_dir=INPUT_DIR --output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR

The audio files in a specified directory INPUT_DIR will be processed. Currently, the script only works on one of wav, flac, and ogg formats. The results will be saved in OUTPUT_DIR with following format for each AUDIO_FILE_NAME.wav.

AUDIO_FILE_NAME_segments.txt # Each line has a comma separated start end end of each syllable segment in second.
AUDIO_FILE_NAME_feature.npy  # An array of features in 50 hz frame before segmented, resulting (Length of audio frames, 768) array.
AUDIO_FILE_NAME_segmentfeature.npy # An array of segment-averaged featues after segmentation, resulting (Number of segments, 768) array.

Please check some other configurations (e.g., path to a model checkpoint) by the following command.

python --help

Training SD-HuBERT

First, download the LibriSpeech data under some data directory, let's say LIBRISPEECH_ROOT. The directory should look like

├── train-clean-100
├── train-clean-360
├── train-other-500
├── dev-clean
├── dev-other
├── test-clean
└── test-other

The trainer is implemented using PyTorch Lightning, so please download the package through pip install lightning (we used lightning==2.1.2).

You can train with the following command. Also please check configs/sdhubert_base for detailed configurations.

python --config-name=sdhubert_base data.root_dir=LIBRISPEECH_ROOT

After the model training is finished, export model to more handy checkpoint file. The ckpt_path should be pointed to the path that is created by running the training script.

python --ckpt_path=outputs/DATE/TIME/NAME


Please run through the following commands to extract segments and evaluate syllable boundary detection, purity, and SSABX task. Also, please check the arguments in the scripts to get full control of experiment.

Extract segments for LibriSpeech

python --ckpt_path={CKPT: e.g., ckpts/} --librispeech_dataroot=LIBRISPEECH_ROOT

This will extract segments under SEGMENT_PATH=LIBRISPEECH_ROOT/segments/NAME. The NAME is sdhubert_base by default.

Evaluate syllable boundary detection

python --segment_path=SEGMENT_PATH

Train clustering model

python --segment_path=SEGMENT_PATH --n_clusters=16384 --n_clusters_agglomerative=4096

Evaluate syllable clustering quality

python --segment_path=SEGMENT_PATH --km_path=km/ --reducer_path=km/sdhubert_base_16384to4096.npy

Evaluate Spoken Sentence ABX (SSABX) task

Also, check files/ssabx.json for the SSABX triplets mined from LibriSpeech (more detail can be found in the paper).

python --ckpt_path={CKPT: e.g., ckpts/} --librispeech_dataroot=LIBRISPEECH_ROOT


Thanks to Puyuan Peng for sharing the code and resources.


  title={SD-HuBERT: Sentence-Level Self-Distillation Induces Syllabic Organization in HuBERT},
  author={Cho, Cheol Jun and Mohamed, Abdelrahman and Li, Shang-Wen and Black, Alan W and Anumanchipalli, Gopala K},


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