This package has a collection of modules for working with clinical data from the University of Washington Medical Center, specifically billing codes.
There are three toolkits in the DxCodeHandler module:
An instance of either of these classes has a collection of functions that will allow easy manipulation of ICD billing codes as well as easy traversal of the ICD hierarchy. For a deeper understanding of both the ICD9 and ICD10 hierarchy structures, explore ICD9 and ICD10.
Both the ICD9 and ICD10 classes have the same functions; however, ICD9 will be used as a demostration
## add DxCodeHandler to python path
import sys
from DxCodeHandler.ICD9 import ICD9
icd9 = ICD9()
from DxCodeHandler.ICD10 import ICD10
icd10 = ICD10()
Returns the description of the input code
code = 'E810'
Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with train
Returns all the children of the input code in the icd9 hierarchy
code = 'E810'
['E810.0', 'E810.1', 'E810.2', 'E810.3', 'E810.4', 'E810.5', 'E810.6', 'E810.7', 'E810.8', 'E810.9']
A list of codes can also be used as input, returning a list of all the children of all the input codes.
codes = ['E810', '240']
['E810.5', 'E810.8', 'E810.7', 'E810.0', 'E810.9', 'E810.1', 'E810.3', 'E810.6', 'E810.2', 'E810.4', '240.9', '240.0']
Returns the parent of the code in the icd9 hierarchy
code = 'E810'
A list of codes can also be used as input, returning a list of all the parents of all the input codes.
codes = ['E810', '240']
['240-246', 'E810-E819']
Returns the node depth of the input code in the icd9 hierarchy tree
code = 'E810'
Returns whether the input code exists in the icd9 hierarchy
code = 'E810'
Returns a list of all codes, including input code, further down the icd9 hierarchy from the input code
code = 'E810'
['E810', 'E810.5', 'E810.8', 'E810.7', 'E810.0', 'E810.9', 'E810.1', 'E810.3', 'E810.6', 'E810.2', 'E810.4']
Returns the code that is at the input code icd9 tree depth above the input code
If the input depth is below the input code, the function will return the input code
code = 'E810'
icd9.abstract(code, 1)
A list of codes can also be used as input, returning all the codes abstracted to the requested tree depth.
codes = ['E810', '240']
icd9.abstract(codes, 2)
['E810-E819', '240-246']
Returns all the codes above the input code in the icd9 hierarchy, including the input code
code = 'E810'
['E000-E999', 'E810-E819', 'E810']
A list of codes can also be used as input, returning a list of all the ancestors of all the input codes.
Repeating codes are not removed.
codes = ['E810', '240']
['E000-E999', 'E810-E819', 'E810', '240-279', '240-246', '240']
Returns all possible codes in the requested ICD ontology
['very', 'long', 'list', 'of', 'ICD9', 'codes']
An instance of the Converter class has a collection of functions that will allow easy conversion of ICD billing codes between the two standards. For a deeper understanding of both the ICD9 and ICD10 hierarchy structures, explore ICD9 and ICD10.
The conversions are based on the 2015 ICD10 and 2017 ICD10 CMS General Equivalency Mappings
Create a Converter instance.
from library.DxCodeHandler import Converter
con = Converter()
This function will check that the input code is an ICD9 code, then, if possible, convert it to the ICD10 closest equivalent code or collection of codes.
code = 'S15.121S'
Some codes convert in a one to many fashion, thus, the equivalent ICD9 of an ICD10 code could be a collection of codes.
code = 'T41.3X1A'
['968.5', '968.9', 'E855.2']
If the code cannot be converted, the function will raise an exception
code = 'E935.2'
Exception: E935.2 cannot be converted to ICD10 #An E935.2 ICD10 equivalent does not exist
This function will check that the input code is an ICD10 code then, if possible, convert it to the ICD9 closest equivalent code or collection of codes.
code = '765.18'
Some codes convert in a one to many fashion, thus, the equivalent ICD9 of an ICD10 code could be a collection of codes.
code = '806.24'
['S22.049A', 'S24.152A', 'S22.019A', 'S24.151A', 'S22.029A', 'S22.059A', 'S22.039A']
If the code cannot be converted, the function will raise an exception
code = 'T42.3X6D'
Exception: T42.3X6D has No Dx equivalent in ICD9