- This project is created in Unity3D.
- The environment is created on a 20x20 plane in a low-poly environment.
- The game has 2 environment settings: day and night.
- The nearby buildings have a mesh colliders to restrict the ball movement along the path and trigger effects like elastic bounce.
- The path contains some destructible objects and characters. Destroying the objects and characters may result in rewarding or losing coins. Also, the collision to nearby building results in losing coin.
- As soon as the score reaches <0, the game is over.
- The main objective is to roll the ball to collect as many coins as possible and make exit.
- Various lightings are used like point lights at the position of the destructible objects and spotlights on the characters.
- Sound effects are added.
- Particle Effects for the explosion, electric spark, blood spill is added.
- Post-processing effects like Vignette, Grain, Motion blur are also added.
- Destroying Vehicles yields +1, killing zombie +2, killing jasper deducts -4.
- A splash screen is added for Game menu.
- Character animations are also added.
- To destroy an object, you can either touch the object however throwing the ball to the target will do more significant damage.
- WASD: move the ball (Ball will move with respect to the camera).
- Mouse: move the camera along the ball
- 1,2: to change the camera views. 1 being the safe mode and 2 for the Gameplay.
- 3,4: switch between skyboxes
- 5: turn on/off the fog
Recommended: Press 2, 4, 5 before playing. =============To play, you just need the build folder (Windows only). Run AVI.exe.