workflow is a library that provides a common workflow implementation for projects that use workflows. The implemented workflow is composed of two or more steps. Each step can have zero or more inputs and outputs. An output can be connected to many inputs, but an input can be connected to only one output. Constructing workflows is simplified into simply piping workflow steps into each other.
Executing workflows is not implemented nor intended for this library. If you wish to execute workflows defined and built using this library consider using mimo.
In the simplest case, a origin step has a single output and target step has a single input. In this case, piping the steps together will automatically connect the output to the input.
#include <workflow/Workflow.h>
workflow::Workflow workflow;
auto step1 = workflow.add_step("step1", {}, {"output"});
auto step2 = workflow.add_step("step2", {"input"}, {});
If there are multiple inputs/outputs to choose from, the member variables Step::get_input
can be used to distinguish which input or output to use.
#include <workflow/Workflow.h>
workflow::Workflow workflow;
auto step1 = workflow.add_step("step1", {}, {"output1", "output2"});
auto step2 = workflow.add_step("step2", {"input1", "input2"}, {});
Outputs can be piped to multiple input. Re-piping a step will not redirect the output from one input to the other, but rather, direct the output to both inputs.
#include <workflow/Workflow.h>
workflow::Workflow workflow;
auto step1 = workflow.add_step("step1", {}, {"output"});
auto step2 = workflow.add_step("step2", {"input1"}, {});
auto step3 = workflow.add_step("step2", {"input2"}, {});
can be used as keys in std:map and std::unordered_map.