Tutorial for detecting gravitational waves: A beginner's guide
Read blog on Detecting Gravitational Waves here: G2Net: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe
This repository contains code for detecting long-lasting gravitational wave signals using Short-Time Fourier Transforms (SFTs) data from two gravitational-wave interferometers (LIGO Hanford and LIGO Livingston). The goal is to build a model that is sensitive enough to distinguish between noisy data and weak but persistent signals emitted by rapidly rotating neutron stars.
The repository includes an Exploratory Data Analysis, data augmentation techniques, and a baseline model using EfficientNet B3 to detect gravitational-wave signals.
The G2Net Detecting Continuous Gravitational Wave competition dataset is used in this project, and can be downloaded from Kaggle.
To install the required packages, you can run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This repository is divided into the following sections:
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Data Augmentation
- Baseline Model
To use this repository, you can clone it using git:
git clone https://github.com/chiragsamal/Detecting-Gravitational-Waves.git
You can then run the code in each section using Jupyter notebooks.