Manage your Digital Ocean droplets on Visual Studio Code! You can just create a droplet (aka server or VPS) when starting work, and then destroy it before left.
- Search for
digital ocean manager
in Visual Studio Code extension market and Install it. - Setup your token
- Visit here to generate your Digital Ocean Token.
- Search
Digital Ocrean Manager
in your Settings (UI). - Enter your token.
- RELOAD your Visual Studio Code.
- Enjoy! 🥰
Click this icon on the sidebar, or the button on the top.
List was updated.
Click items to copy value, for example, you can click
to copy "xx.xx.xx.xx" to your clipboard.
- To start, you can:
and find the command:Digital Ocean Manager: Create Destroy
- Click "add" button on the top view.
- Select a droplet template.
- Enter the name of new droplet.
- A new droplet will be created.
- To start, you can:
and find the command:Digital Ocean Manager: Droplet Destroy
- Click "remove" button inline.
- (Optional) Select droplet to destroy.
- Enter to destroy it.
It's a list of object in your Settings (JSON). Default is:
"do.manager.dropletTemplate": [
"name": "temp-droplet",
"region": "sgp1",
"image": "ubuntu-20-04-x64",
"size_slug": "s-1vcpu-1gb",
"backups": false
You can deploy other do-cli
servers. 👉do-cli repo.
Available API now:
I manage droplets by name, destroying droplet will destroy all droplets with the same name!