About Me:
I'm a skilled MERN Stack Developer with strong frontend and Backend knowledge and experience. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful, and intuitive designs. I love coding. When I'm not on my study or coding, you'll find me reading books, or watching movies.
I'm always eager to learn, open to changing my way of thinking and implementing things, and open to learning new technologies, frameworks, and development techniques every day!
My Coding Skills:
JavaScript | React.JS | React Native | Next.JS | TypeScript | Redux | Styled Components | Material UI | Node.JS | Express.JS | MongoDB | HTML | CSS | SASS | BootStrap | Git | Github | Gitlab | VSCode | Firbase | Heroku | Vercel | Github Pages | REST API | JSON | JSX | Responsive Design | Mobile-First Design.
My Professional Skills:
Problem Solving | Time Management | Communications Skills | Remote-Work | Team-Work | Leadership | Mentorship | Creativity | Attention to Details.
Do I Sound Like a Good Fit For Your Team?
Contact me at fazle.chisty@gmail.com or through my LinkedIn (link above).