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A proof-of-concept multi-threaded variable-blocksize flac encoder frontend using a custom libFLAC as a backend ( )


  • Multithreading, of variable and fixed blocking strategy encodes
  • Flac/wav/raw-CDDA input
  • Optional preservation of input flac metadata
  • Optional seektable generation
  • Multiple analysis modes, different ways to choose variable blocksizes
  • Optional merge/tweak passes to refine frame permutation to be more space-efficient
  • Piping of input and output

There's a few critical features missing (like full wav support, currently wav input is limited to 16 bit), so this is still alpha.

Usage: flaccid [options]

  Note: There's two ways to define the compression settings used, either
  using the simple interface (--preset and possibly --preset-apod), or the
  complex interface (numerous settings allowing full customisation)

 --in infile : Source. Use - to specify piping from stdin. Valid extensions are
               .wav for wav format, .flac for flac format, .bin for raw CDDA
 --input-format format : Force input to be treated as a particular format.
                         Valid options are: flac wav cdda
 --lax : Allow non-subset settings
 --no-md5 : Disable MD5 generation
 --no-seek : Disable seeking of the output stream, meaning the header cannot be
             updated at the end of the encode. Requires --no-md5 to also be set
             to ensure the user knows that disabling seek disables MD5
 --out outfile : Destination. Use - to specify piping to stdout. By default the
                 output pipe caches the entire output to RAM allowing the
                 header to be updated before writing to pipe. Using --no-seek
                 allows the output pipe to write output frames as soon as they
                 are available
 --peakset-window size : Maximum window size in millions of samples (default 26
                         for 26 million samples, ~10 minutes of 44.1KHz input).
                         This is settable from simple or complex interface as
                         it mainly allows RAM usage to be customised
 --preserve-flac-metadata: Preserve metadata from flac input, excluding padding
 --queue size : Number of frames in output queue (default 8192), when output
                queue is full it gets flushed. Tweak/merge acting on the output
                queue and batching of output encoding allows multithreading
                even if the mode used is single-threaded. This is settable from
                simple or complex interface as it mainly allows RAM usage to be
 --seektable val : Defines if and how a seektable is generated:
                  -1 (default): Adapt to input if input size is known (most
                                flac/wav has total_sample_cnt in the header),
                                else use 100 seekpoints
                   0          : No seektable
                   n          : n seekpoints
 --workers integer : The maximum number of threads to use

  [Simple interface]
 --preset num[extra] : A preset optionally appended with extra flac settings
                       (supported settings e/l/m/p/q/r see ./flac for details).
                       Presets 0..8 match those in .flac and use a fixed
                       blocking strategy (the only caveat being that -M
                       adaptive mid-side is not supported by flaccid, so -1 and
                       -4 don't enable it. Presets 9 and up use variable
                       blocking strategies
 --preset-apod apod : Apodization settings to overwrite those set by preset.
                      A single string semi-colon delimited for multiple apod

 [Complex interface]
    [Complex flac settings]
 --analysis-apod apod_string : Apodization settings to use during analysis. If
                               supplied this overwrites the apod settings
                               defined by the flac preset
 --analysis-comp comp_string : Compression settings to use during analysis
 --output-apod apod_string : Apodization settings to use during output. If
                             supplied this overwrites the apod settings
                             defined by the flac preset
 --output-comp comp_string : Compression settings to use during output
 --outperc num : 1-100%, frequency of normal output settings (default 100%)
 --outputalt-apod apod_string : Alt apod settings to use if outperc not 100%.
                                If supplied this overwrites the apod settings
                                defined by the flac preset
 --outputalt-comp comp_string : Alt output settings to use if outperc not 100%
    [Complex flaccid settings]
 --mode mode : Which variable-blocksize algorithm to use for analysis. Valid
               modes: fixed, peakset, gasc, chunk, gset
 --blocksize-list block,list : Blocksizes that a mode is allowed to use for
                               analysis. Different modes have different
                               constraints on valid combinations
 --blocksize-limit-lower limit : Minimum blocksize a frame can be
 --blocksize-limit-upper limit : Maximum blocksize a frame can be
 --merge threshold : If set enables merge passes, iterates until a pass saves
                     less than threshold bytes
 --tweak threshold : If set enables tweak passes, iterates until a pass saves
                     less than threshold bytes

 fixed: A fixed blocking strategy like the reference encoder. Must use only one
        blocksize, cannot use tweak or merge passes, analysis settings unused
        Effort O(1)
 peakset: Find the optimal permutation of frames for a given blocksize list.
          Truly optimal if analysis settings are the same as output settings.
          Tweak/merge passes can still be a benefit as they can use blocksizes
          not on the list
          Effort O(blocksize_count^2) when blocksizes are contiguous multiples
          of the smallest blocksize. (n*(n+1))/2
 gasc:  To find the next frame, test larger and larger blocksizes until
        efficiency drops (then pick previous). Typically better than gset
 chunk: Process input as chunks, a chunk evenly subdivides the input by building
        a tree, the children of a node subdivide the input range of the parent.
        The root has a range of the maximum blocksize in the list
        Effort O(blocksize_count)
 gset:  Test all from a set of blocksizes and greedily pick the most efficient
        as the next frame

Additional passes:
 tweak: Adjusts where adjacent frames are split to look for a more efficient
        encoding. Every pass uses a smaller and smaller offset as we try and
        get closer to optimal. Multithreaded, acts on the output queue and can
        be sped up at a minor efficiency loss by using a smaller queue
 merge: Merges adjacent frames to see if the result is more efficient. Best used
        with --lax for lots of merging headroom, a sane subset encoding is
        unlikely to see much if any benefit as subset is limited to a blocksize
        of 4608. Multithreaded, acts on the output queue and can be sped up at a
        minor efficiency loss by using a smaller queue

Compression settings format:
 * Mostly follows ./flac interface but requires settings to be in single string
 * Compression level must be the first element
 * Supported settings: e, m, l, p, q, r (see ./flac -h)
 * Adaptive mid-side from ./flac is not supported (-M), affects compression
   levels 1 and 4
 * ie "5er4" defines compression level 5, exhaustive model search, max rice
   partition order up to 4

Apodization settings format:
 * All apodization settings in a single semi-colon-delimited string
 * ie tukey(0.5);partial_tukey(2);punchout_tukey(3)


First build a custom libFLAC that includes a static encoder implementation, the source for that is in the static_encoder branch of this repository:

Then to build flaccid on Linux do something like this:

gcc -oflaccid chunk.c common.c fixed.c flaccid.c gasc.c gset.c load.c peakset.c seektable.c -I<PATH_TO_LIBFLAC_INCLUDE> <PATH_TO_libFLAC-static.a> -lcrypto -lm -logg -fopenmp -Wall -O3 -funroll-loops -Wall -Wextra -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Waggregate-return -Wcast-align -Wnested-externs -Wshadow -Wundef -Wmissing-declarations -Winline -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fvisibility=hidden -fstack-protector-strong

This is just a copy of the default flags used to compile libFLAC, plus OpenMP for coarse multithreading and OpenSSL for MD5.

Static API

The changes boil down to:

  • Leaving the existing API untouched
  • Adding a new type FLAC__StaticEncoder which simply wraps FLAC__StreamEncoder, allowing stream functions to be used internally but separating the interface externally
  • A few necessary functions to create and destroy the new type
  • The user encodes per-frame, by feeding an entire frame of input along with the frame/sample index and providing a valid static encoder instance. Instead of callbacks the function returns a buffer containing the encoded frame, valid until the static encoder instance is re-used
  • To reduce needlessly copying data there's a variant with int16_t[] input. There's still a copy from input to internal buffer but it eliminates the intermediate external int32_t[] buffer
  • The frame encoders do not do MD5 hashing, hashing is an in-order operation and we cannot guarantee that (a major use case of the API is to allow things to be done out-of-order)


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