Hello, My name is Chris!
Programmer, Database Wrangler, Automation Enthusiast!
You may be thinking to yourself: "Wow, this github account is a little new and a lot empty." Well, yes. I have built a ton of cool stuff over the years for my current employer, however, as they are a medical company with many NDAs and BAAs in effect, none of it is able to be published as public. I created this Github to show off my personal projects and contribute to the open source community.
If you have any more questions, you can check out my website
Here are a few fun facts about me:
I work as a fulltime Data Engineer for an awesome company out of Washington.
I currently do a little bit of freelance work, provided there are no conflicts with my day-job.
I write a few blog posts every now and then on my website, feel free to check them out.
My favorite animal is the Capybara.