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Rick Carlino edited this page Jul 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

Rlite wasn't designed with React in mind, but that said, it can be made to play nice. Here's a sample file used in one of my projects (which uses Redux):

    // react-rlite.js
    'use strict'

    import Rlite from 'rlite-router'
    import React from 'react'
    import {render, unmountComponentAtNode} from 'react-dom'
    import {Provider} from 'react-redux'

    export default function (store, rootEl) {
      const router = Rlite()
      const viewContainer = rootEl || document.querySelector('.react-container')
      let started = false

      // Renders the specified component, giving it the route's url parameters as
      // well as invoking an optional "before action"
      function renderRoute(urlParams, Component, beforeAction) {
        store.dispatch({type: 'ROUTE_CHANGE', urlParams})

        if (beforeAction) {
          store.dispatch(beforeAction(store.getState(), urlParams))

        const view = React.createElement(
          React.createElement(Component, {urlParams})

        scrollTo(0, 0)
        render(view, viewContainer)

      // Hash-based routing
      function processHash() {
        const hash = location.hash || '#'

      return {
        add (url, Component, beforeAction) {
          router.add(url, ({params}) => renderRoute(params, Component, beforeAction))

          return this

        start () {
          if (!started) {
            started = true
            window.addEventListener('hashchange', processHash)


Given that definition of react-rlite, it can be used like this:

    // Import some components that you've written
    import Home from './home'
    import NewUser from './new-user'
    import EditUser from './edit-user'

    // Import the router object
    import Router from 'react-rlite'

    // Import some ajax helper or other, if you need to load stuff...
    import ajax from 'ajax'

    // Import your redux store or create it
    import store from './store'

    const router = Router(store)
    // Register routes...
    router.add('', Home)
    router.add('users', Home)
    router.add('users/new', NewUser, beforeNew)
    router.add('users/:id', EditUser, beforeEdit)

    // Start the router

    // The (optional) before functions take a state, and the rlite 
    // url parameters and return an action to dispatch via Redux.
    function beforeNew(state) {
      return {
        user: { name: '', age: 0 },
        type: 'NEW_USER'

    // Here, we'll load some data from an API, 
    // using redux-thunk or something like it
    function before(state, urlParams) {
       return dispatch => ajax.fetch(`/api/users/${}`)
         .then(user => dispatch({ TYPE: 'EDIT_USER', user }))
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