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Sync missing items between instances Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr


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Arrsync syncs a source Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr server and adds the items that are missing on a destination Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr server using the API.


Please take care to ensure you have backups of your instances before using this script. This software is provided "as is" with out warranty. Use at your own risk.

This project is currently under active development, and the config structure and API is subject to change with out warning. There will not be any releases tagged until this has solidified.


  • Only supports Sonarr/Radarr v3 and Lidarr v1
  • Python 3.8 or newer


  • Allows any number of sync jobs to run
  • Filtering source by profile include or exclude rules
  • Filtering source by tag include or exclude rules
  • Set destination quality profile
  • (Sonarr Only) Set destination language profile
  • (Radarr Only) Include items that do not have files in sync
  • Fully unit tested
  • Written with modern Python with strict type checking


  • type One of: sonarr | radarr | lidarr
  • source_url Required The instance you wish to sync from
  • source_key Required The API key of the source instance
  • source_headers Extra headers you may wish to send to the source instance.
  • dest_url Required The instance you wish to sync to
  • dest_key Required The API key of the destination instance
  • dest_headers Extra headers you may wish to send to the destination instance.
  • dest_path Required The root path of the destination instance. e.g. /data or /home/USER/media
  • dest_search_missing Immediately start searching after syncing to destination
  • dest_monitor Monitor the item after it is synced to the destination
  • source_tag_exclude A comma separated list of tags on the source instance to exclude. This may be the id of the tag, or the label of the tag. e.g. 42 or My Tag. Items on the source that match will not be synced to the destination.
  • source_tag_include A comma separated list of tags on the source instance to include. This may be the id of the tag, or the label of the tag. e.g. 42 or My Tag. Items on the source that do not match will not be synced to the destination.
  • source_profile_include A comma separated list of profiles on the source instance to exclude. This may be the id of the profile, or the label of the profile. e.g. 42 or My Tag. Items on the source that match will not be synced to the destination.
  • source_profile_exclude A comma separated list of profiles on the source instance to include. This may be the id of the profile, or the label of the profile. e.g. 42 or My Tag. Items on the source that do not match will not be synced to the destination.
  • source_include_missing Radarr Only include "missing" files in Radarr during the sync (defaults to off)
  • dest_language_profile Sonarr Only the language profile you wish to set the items synced to the destination. May be either the language profile id or the name. e.g. 42 or English
  • dest_metadata_profile Lidarr Only the metadata profile you wish to set the items synced to the destination. May be either the metadata profile id or the name. e.g. 42 or Standard

Example config

Each section name is a label for the job. You may specify any number of jobs you wish. You could specify radarr-remote-to-local then after radarr-local-to-remote with different settings to achieve bidirectional sync. The section headers are just labels, but if you name sections identically the last one in the config will override any that come before it.

The [common] section will apply to all sections. This is useful if there is shared configuration between them

source_url = http://localhost:7878/
source_key = aaa
dest_url = http://localhost:7879/radarr
dest_key = bbb
dest_path = /movies
source_include_missing = 1

source_url = http://localhost:8989
source_key = aaa
dest_url = http://localhost:8980/sonarr
dest_key = bbb
dest_path = /tv

source_url = http://localhost:8686/
source_key = aaa
dest_url = http://localhost:8687/lidarr
dest_key = bbb
dest_path = /music

# Shared settings between all sync jobs
dest_search_missing = 0
dest_monitor = 1
source_headers =
  X-My-Header=Custom Header Value
source_tag_exclude = no-sync
dest_profile = Any


usage: arrsync [-h] -c CONFIG [--debug] [--dry-run]

Sync missing content between Sonarr, Radarr, and Lidarr instances

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file to use
  --debug               Print debug messages to stdout
  --dry-run             Do not sync anything
arrsync -c /etc/arrsync.conf


Until a packaging solution has been selected the easiest way to install is using pipx and the git+https url

pipx install "git+" arrsync

However in order to update you will need to uninstall then install


It is highly recommended you create a python virtual environment to use when developing

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

You can install all dependencies and dev dependencies using pip

pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Pull Requests are welcome, however make sure to run flake8, isort, and black before opening the PR

Unit tests are something that will be required when adding or changing code.


Sync missing items between instances Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr








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