RPM package helper which support packaging Python virtual environments.
In order to package a Python project in an RPM containing a virtualenv drop a file in your repository root with a '.json' extensions and the following content. Change the values where appropriate.
"extensions": {
"enabled": [
"core": {
"group": "Application/System",
"license": "MIT",
"name": "some-rpm-package-name",
"summary": "short package summary",
"version": "1.2.3"
"python_venv": {
"name": "name_of_venv_dir_to_create",
"path": "/path/where/to/install/venv"
"blocks": {
"desc": [
"some long package description",
"each array element is a new line"
Make sure rpmbuild is installed. With the configuration file in place run the command line tool installed with the package to generate the RPM.
rpmvenv path/to/the/config.json
This will generate a new RPM and place it in your current working directory.
While the above example will generate an installable RPM it has limitations. For example, it does not set the user/group ownership of the packaged files, it does not include non-Python files such as init scripts, and it does not perform any post install actions. This project uses a plugin system for adding and enabling extra functionality. For convenience, some features ship with the project already.
The 'core' extension is always enabled. This extension provides the options for interacting with all the required RPM SPEC file tags like "Version" or "Url". Current core options:
// The name of the RPM file which is generated.
"name": "some-pkg-name",
// The RPM version to build.
"version": "1.2.3",
// The release number for the RPM. Default is 1.
"release": "1",
// The short package summary.
"summary": "a package for code",
// The RPM package group in which this package belongs.
"group": "Application/System",
// The license under which the package is distributed.
"license": "MIT",
// The URL of the package source.
"url": "https://projectsite.com",
// The path to the package source. Defaults to the parent of the config.
"source": "/path/to/my/source",
// The name of the buildroot directory to use. Default is random temp dir.
"buildroot": "%(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{SOURCE0}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)",
RPM files contain several sections, or blocks, which can contain multi-line content. Most blocks contain shell code used to build and install a project. This extension is enabled by adding 'blocks' to the list of enabled extensions. Each block configuration item is a list of strings. Each string represents a line in the body of the block.
{"blocks" {
// Shell to execute on post-install.
"post": [],
// Shell to execute on post-uninstall.
"postun": [],
// Shell to execute on pre-install.
"pre": [],
// Shell to execute on pre-uninstall.
"preun": [],
// Shell to execute during the prep phase.
"prep": [],
// Shell to execute during the build phase.
"build": [],
// Shell to execute during the install phase.
"install": [],
// Shell to execute during the clean phase.
"clean": [],
// Long form description of the package.
"desc": [],
// A list of files which are included in the package.
"files": [],
This extension will set the user and group ownership properties of all files included with the package. It is enabled by adding 'file_permissions' to the list of enabled extensions.
{"file_permissions": {
// The name of the user who should own the files.
"user": "webserver",
// The name of the group which should own the files.
"group": "webserver",
// If true, the user will be created during install if missing.
"create_user": false,
// If true, the group will be created during install if missing.
"create_group": false,
This extension will allow for packaging any files even if they are not a part of the built project. This extension is enabled by adding "file_extras" in the list of enabled extensions. This extension also requires that 'file_permissions' be enabled. It uses the same user and group to assign ownership of the extra files.
{"file_extras": {
// A list of source:destination pairs relative to the root.
"files": [
This extension automates generating an RPM from a Python virtualenv. It is enabled by adding 'python_venv' to the list of enabled extensions.
{"python_venv": {
// The executable to use for creating a venv.
"cmd": "virtualenv",
// Flags to pass to the venv during creation.
"flags": ["--always-copy"],
// The name of the installed venv.
"name": "project_venv",
// The path in which to install the venv.
"path": "/usr/share/python",
// The python executable to use in the venv.
"python": "python2.7",
// Names of requirements files to install in the venv.
"requirements": ["requirements.txt"],
// Flags to pass to pip during pip install calls.
"pip_flags": "--index-url https://internal-pypi-server.org",
In addition to adding the above sections to a configuration file, all values may also be given as command line flags to the 'rpmvenv' command as well as environment variables.
Command line flags follow a common pattern: '--extension_name_option_name'. A common use for this feature is setting the RPM package version over the CLI rather than hard coding it into a configuration file.
rpmvenv /path/to/some/config.json --core_version="$(date -u +%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S)"
This CLI argument pattern may be used to set any options. Alternatively, environment variables can also be set using a similar naming scheme: 'export RPMVENV_EXTENSION_NAME_OPTION_NAME=""'. Setting the version with environment variables, for example:
RPMVENV_CORE_VERSION="$(date -u +%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S)" \
rpmvenv /path/to/some/config.json
The precedence order for options is configuration file, environment variables, then CLI flags. That is, environment variables will always override items in the configuration file and CLI flags will override both the file and the environment variables.
In addition to the options for modifying the spec file, the following are also available as CLI flags:
The path to a Python source repository. By default, this value resolves to the directory containing the specified configuration file. It can be overridden if the Python source is not adjacent the configuration file.
The directory in which to place the RPM. The default value is the current working directory.
This flag disables the actual build in favour of printing the spec file contents to stdout. Use this option if you need to manually verify the spec file before running a build.
Normally, the stdout and stderr of the rpmbuild call are captured unless there is an exception. Adding this flag enables the real-time output from the rpmbuild command.
The included tests are written using py.test. There is also an included tox.ini which is configured to run the tests in addition to style checks. By default, the integration tests run using rpmvenv as the target project to build. However, any project with a requirements.txt file in the repository root can be specified with the '--python-git-url' flag while running the tests.
(MIT License) Copyright (C) 2015 Kevin Conway Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
All contributions to this project are protected under the agreement found in the CONTRIBUTING file. All contributors should read the agreement but, as a summary:
You give us the rights to maintain and distribute your code and we promise to maintain an open source distribution of anything you contribute.