A React web app built for 3Commas during the Schelling Point Virtual Hackathon on Gitcoin.
This project was the top winner in Competition 2: Design a business tool for 3Commas traders!
In this repository I built a web app which displays various crypto details and useful news, for traders in real time.
Users can search prices and news related to the crypto of their choice.
In depth we are...
Utilizing RapidAPI to fetch data from 2 different API's ( Coinranking, Bing News Search) with custom Hooks.
Managing our States with Redux.
Using Ant Design to create our UI.
Rendering charts using Chart.js.
The components are fully-functional so feel free to navigate around as well as view on mobile. In mobile version please view chart in landscape mode for a better experience.
Note: Under heavy traffic the app will break because I'm using a free RapidAPI key and that limits the amount of requests the webserver can send.
There are a lot of things to be implemented since the app is build with components and is easy to modify them.
Some of them..
Add technical indicators which would make algorithmic trading applicable.
Connect our app with the 3CommasApi for more advanced trading endpoints.
Add dark-Mode button.
- html
- css
- javascript
- react.js
- Redux
- RapidAPI
- AntDesign
- Chart.js
- Visual Studio Code
- Git