Cloud for IoT project 2017 - A WeB Of things approach to intelligent lighting
With the book Building the Web of Things as basis, we have devel-oped a trigger action customizable lighting system. This is done us-ing the principles and technologies Dominique D. Guinard and VladM. Trifa [3] guides you through. The project is based on Node.js,Javascipt and cloud integration which supports a system with highscalability. What has been created is a system that allows a user tocustomize different reminders in forms of various light settings. Thisis done through user configurations of colors, as well as through hisGoogle calender data, Google directions and weather data. To furtherenhance the lighting system a photoresistor as well as a Bluetoothmodule has been added, to save power in the everyday life. By turn-ing off the lights when the user leaves home, and adjusting the bright-ness of the lights dependent on the actual environmental lights mayit be from the sun or street lights. The use of Bluetooth also enablesthe system to detect multiple users. Oauth2.0is used for authenticat-ing users, as well as authenticating the server to make API requestson behalf of the user. The system is capable of having several users,each with their own personal settings, which will only affect the light-ing conditions, if they are home and in priority. This prototype willbe used to make a heuristic evaluation which enables a discussion ofthe technologies in use, and their uses in real world personal lightingsystems and smart homes in general