This is a group of Apache Pig Java UDFs utilities to help us get more productive ours Pig Latin Scripts, using GeoIP database files, Java Ip tools, Java URL Encoder functions, Java URL Decoder functions And Others!.
The GNU General Public License v3.0.
This is basically an example of how to use all IPs functions of the library
-- Register PigIpTools library (
REGISTER /usr/local/pig/lib/pigiptools-1.1.0.jar
-- Put aliases to the functions in the library
DEFINE IsValidIP com.github.christiangda.pig.ip.IsValidIP();
DEFINE IsValidIPV4 com.github.christiangda.pig.ip.IsValidIPV4();
DEFINE IsValidIPV6 com.github.christiangda.pig.ip.IsValidIPV6();
DEFINE CountryName com.github.christiangda.pig.geoip.GetCountryName('/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat','/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPv6.dat');
DEFINE CountryCode com.github.christiangda.pig.geoip.GetCountryCode('/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat','/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPv6.dat');
DEFINE CityName com.github.christiangda.pig.geoip.GetCityName('/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat','/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCityv6.dat');
-- Load the sample data
data = LOAD 'input' AS (ip:chararray);
-- Use the library functions to enrich the data
ip AS ipaddress,
IsValidIP(ip) AS is_valid_ip,
IsValidIPV4(ip) AS is_valid_ipv4,
IsValidIPV6(ip) AS is_valid_ipv6,
CountryName(ip) AS country_name,
CountryCode(ip) AS country_code,
CityName(ip) AS city_name;
-- Store our enrichest data
STORE ips INTO 'output' USING PigStorage();
This is basically an example of how to use all URLs functions of the library
-- Register PigIpTools library (
REGISTER /usr/local/pig/lib/pigiptools-1.1.0.jar
-- Put aliases to the functions in the library
DEFINE Base64Decode com.github.christiangda.pig.url.Base64Decode();
DEFINE Base64Encode com.github.christiangda.pig.url.Base64Encode();
DEFINE DecodeUTF8 com.github.christiangda.pig.url.Decode();
DEFINE EncodeUTF8 com.github.christiangda.pig.url.Encode();
DEFINE DecodeLatin1 com.github.christiangda.pig.url.Decode('ISO-8859-1');
DEFINE EncodeLatin1 com.github.christiangda.pig.url.Encode('ISO-8859-1');
DEFINE IsDecodable com.github.christiangda.pig.url.IsDecodable();
DEFINE IsEncodable com.github.christiangda.pig.url.IsEncodable();
-- Load the sample data
data = LOAD 'input' AS (uri:chararray);
-- Use the library functions to enrich the data
uri AS uri,
Base64Decode(uri) AS base_64_decode,
Base64Encode(uri) AS base_64_encode,
DecodeUTF8(uri) AS decode_utf_8,
EncodeUTF8(uri) AS encode_utf_8,
DecodeLatin1(uri) AS decode_latin_1,
EncodeLatin1(uri) AS encode_latin_1,
IsDecodable(uri) AS is_encodable,
IsEncodable(uri) AS is_decodable;
-- Store our enrichest data
STORE uris INTO 'output' USING PigStorage();
PigIpTools release artifacts are published to the Sonatype OSS releases repository and promoted from there to Maven Central. From time to time we may also deploy snapshot releases to the Sonatype OSS snapshots repository.
if you want to build it yourself, remember to have the following tools
- Apache Maven 3.3.3 o higher (recommended)
- Java 6, 7 and 8 (OpenJDK or Oracle version)
- Internet Connection! (of course)
The procedure is the following
git clone pigiptools
cd pigiptools/
# Recommended
mvn clean test package
# No testing
mvn -DskipTests clean package
# Your pigiptools-x.y.z.jar is in:
ls target/
- Hadoop 2.x.y
- Pig 0.9+
- AWS EMR (pig-0.12.0, Hadoop-2.4.0 and S3)
- AWS EMR (pig-0.14.0, Hadoop-2.6.0 and S3)
Bug fixes, features, and documentation improvements are welcome! Please fork the project and send us a pull request on github.
Major contributors are listed below. Lots of others have helped too, thanks to all of them! See git logs for credits.
- Christian González (@christiangda)