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play123 is a simple mp3 playlist manager. It uses the mpg123 console player as a backend. play123 also wraps Spotify (if ps detect the desktop app).


play123 [-h] [<play-command> | <file(s)>]

Play commands:

  • seek [+-]<seconds>: jump to <seconds> frame in current file, or jump by increment in current file
  • vol [+-]<%-pt>: set volume, or change volume by increment
  • next: play next file in queu
  • prev: play previous file in queu
  • repeat: play marked file in queu
  • info : print current track

If any of the arguments are valid files, these are appended to the queue. The first of these files is then set to play.

Without arguments play123 pauses/plays current file.

Only one command is parsed per call. Appending file(s) is treated as one command. If multiple commands are specified only the last is parsed.

Queu location:


If current file is finished playing the next file is played. If the last file is finished playing the first file is played.

To send commands over ssh put the following line in ~/.play123/state:

remote <user@host>

This requires public key authentication, or other passwordless method, to be set up. Remember to remove this line if you want to control the local machine again.


When play123 is first started 4 processes are forked:

  • a process to keep a fifo pipe open as input to mpg123
  • mpg123 itself
  • a process to read the output of mpg123
  • a play123 daemon process that acts as server to client requests

Fifo pipes used:

  • ~/.play123/driverpipe: input pipe for mpg123
  • ~/.play123/daemonpipe: input pipe for daemon process

The process that reads the mpg123 output, as well as any play123 clients, send commands into the daemonpipe.

To kill all play123 related processes you can use the killall command (part of psmisc package on debian):

killall play123 mpg123


Copy to a location in your PATH. If you want to use it on an ssh server it must be copied to a standard PATH directory:

ssh <user@host> echo \$PATH

Keybinding example: ratpoison

In ~/.ratpoisonrc:

bind F10 exec play123
bind comma exec play123 seek -60
bind period exec play123 seek +60
bind bracketleft exec play123 seek -300
bind bracketright exec play123 seek +300
bind F8 exec play123 vol +10
bind F7 exec play123 vol -10
bind r exec play123 repeat
bind F11 exec play123 next
bind F9 exec play123 prev


  • a linux os
  • bash
  • mpg123 (tested with versions 1.16.0 and 1.23.8)
  • ssh when using network functionality


  • better support for m3u files
  • smart shuffle that takes into account how many times files have been played before, and weights files based on 'novelty'



simple(st) playlist manager, based on mpg123







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