This is a collection of small integrated circuit design scripts.
Many of the tools are based on magic and klayout, so make sure they are included in your path if you want to run them.
Also export a environment variable called IC_TOOLS that points to this repository.
For example if you're in the ic_tools repository:
export IC_TOOLS="$(pwd)"
Additionally the tools can be added to the PATH variable and therefore be used as commandline tools.
create symlinks to all tools:
chmod +x ./
Then the tools can be added to the PATH variable:
export PATH=$PATH:$IC_TOOLS/bin
For more information about the application of each tool refer to the note at the top of each script.
- assemble - prepare gds and extract netlist for lvs.
- drc - run drc check
- extract - netlist extraction for lvs.
- flatten - flatten hierachical gds file.
- gdsbuild - merge gds files into top-cell.
- gdsexport - export all individual cells into seperate files.
- labelextract - extract labels and pins from gds.
- labelmove - move content from label layers to pin layers.
- labelremove - remove all labels from a gds.
- lvs - run lvs check.
- merge - merge two gds files.
- pex - extract pex netlist from gds.
- prefix - add prefix to each cell name in gds.
- sky130_pnp_mod - change extracted pnp devices to fit models.
- topcell - create a top-cell from hierachical gds.
- xor - calculate the xor between two layouts