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Scheduler with Pivotal Cloud Foundry

This project contains 2 modules to deploy on Cloud Foundry. The spring-scheduled module uses the @Scheduled annotation, and the pcf-scheduler module uses the PCF Scheduler service.


Compile the project

Run the following command to build the 2 modules and to generate jars ready to deploy.

mvn clean package

Add PCF Scheduler service

Before deploying, you have to create a new Scheduler for PCF service available from the Marketplace.

cf create-service scheduler-for-pcf standard pcf-scheduler  

Deploying both module

You can deploy the each modules manually or use the provided manifest.yml deployment file to deploy both of them. The pcf-scheduler app will bind to the newly pcf-scheduler service. Great names right? ;)

cf push

Spring @Scheduled

The code runs great and every minutes as expected. But once you have more than one instance (and you should), each instances are executing the scheduled task

Logs example from @Scheduled

    2018-02-28T10:58:00.00-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT IP Address: 515d00e6-def4-4d08-6745-7bf9/, Thread: pool-1-thread-1, Time: 15:58:00.001
    2018-02-28T10:58:00.00-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/1] OUT IP Address: 50c8060c-bb62-474a-69e8-7f43/, Thread: pool-1-thread-1, Time: 15:58:00.001
    2018-02-28T10:59:00.00-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT IP Address: 515d00e6-def4-4d08-6745-7bf9/, Thread: pool-1-thread-1, Time: 15:59:00.001
    2018-02-28T10:59:00.00-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/1] OUT IP Address: 50c8060c-bb62-474a-69e8-7f43/, Thread: pool-1-thread-1, Time: 15:59:00
    2018-02-28T11:00:00.00-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT IP Address: 515d00e6-def4-4d08-6745-7bf9/, Thread: pool-1-thread-1, Time: 16:00:00.001
    2018-02-28T11:00:00.00-0500 [APP/PROC/WEB/1] OUT IP Address: 50c8060c-bb62-474a-69e8-7f43/, Thread: pool-1-thread-1, Time: 16:00:00.001

The above sample has 2 running instances and you can notice in the logs that both of them are running the job. You can avoid that by using the Scheduler for PCF service in the next example.

PCF Scheduler

Once the pcf-scheduler app is deployed, you can add a cron job to run the code every minute. You will need to install the CF cli plugin.

cf create-job pcf-scheduler my-demo ".java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/java -cp ./BOOT-INF/classes ninja.spring.pcfscheduler.Scheduler"
cf schedule-job my-demo "0/1 * ? * *"

The first command will create a job with the command to execute. Let me know if you find a more elegant way :) The second command will associate a cron schedule to the previously created job. Notice the syntax? Somehow it is NOT a regular cron expression and there is no documentation about it (cron).

Logs example from scheduler

   2018-03-01T11:58:00.72-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Creating container
   2018-03-01T11:58:01.48-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Successfully created container
   2018-03-01T11:58:06.24-0500 [APP/TASK/08e8c101-f36c-4d21-99e5-9976e7fc6855-|-051838d5-9010-44d5-8a79-8196276211e6/0] OUT IP Address: 91c6f6a4-0ba0-4940-9f86-a849e734328c/, Thread: main, Time: 16:58:06.226
   2018-03-01T11:58:06.25-0500 [APP/TASK/08e8c101-f36c-4d21-99e5-9976e7fc6855-|-051838d5-9010-44d5-8a79-8196276211e6/0] OUT Exit status 0
   2018-03-01T11:58:06.27-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Stopping instance 91c6f6a4-0ba0-4940-9f86-a849e734328c
   2018-03-01T11:58:06.27-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Destroying container
   2018-03-01T11:58:07.03-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Successfully destroyed container
   2018-03-01T11:59:00.76-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Creating container
   2018-03-01T11:59:01.32-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Successfully created container
   2018-03-01T11:59:06.80-0500 [APP/TASK/08e8c101-f36c-4d21-99e5-9976e7fc6855-|-051838d5-9010-44d5-8a79-8196276211e6/0] OUT IP Address: 2033bbff-65c4-426e-a07a-ceaef072a8b5/, Thread: main, Time: 16:59:06.793
   2018-03-01T11:59:06.81-0500 [APP/TASK/08e8c101-f36c-4d21-99e5-9976e7fc6855-|-051838d5-9010-44d5-8a79-8196276211e6/0] OUT Exit status 0
   2018-03-01T11:59:06.82-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Stopping instance 2033bbff-65c4-426e-a07a-ceaef072a8b5
   2018-03-01T11:59:06.82-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Destroying container
   2018-03-01T11:59:07.33-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Successfully destroyed container

Notice the creation of a new container that will execute the code only once every minute.

More details on my blog

If you want to learn more, check out my blog

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