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🎯 Action Items:

  1. prepare webpack: livereload, css (scss, autoprefix), js
  2. develop using: atomic css
  3. watch one line layout video
  4. implement css purge, minify, uglify
  5. compare css after implementing purge, minify, uglify
  6. implement stylelint (optional)

🧩 Resources:

UI Design

Design # URL One Line Layout
#1 Deconstructed Pancake, Pancake Stack, Super Centered
#2 RAM, Super Centered
#3 Sidebar Says, RAM
#4 Line Up, Respect for Aspect
#5 Super Centered, Span Grid 12

🔧 Steps on How to Build This Webpack Configuration

  1. yarn init
  2. yarn add -D webpack webpack-cli
  3. touch webpack.config.js
  4. yarn add -D html-webpack-plugin
  5. yarn add -D webpack-dev-server : setup simple web server for live reloading
  6. yarn add -D express webpack-dev-middleware : (optonal) setup simple web server with express
  7. yarn add -D style-loader css-loader
  8. yarn add -D sass-loader sass :
  9. yarn add -D @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core : add font awesome core
  10. yarn add -D @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons : add font awesome variants
  11. yarn add -D webpack-merge : for separating webpack development and production configuration
  12. touch webpack.common.js : split out the configuration on the following files. we are not going to use webpack.config.js anymore but i'll just leave it here for future reference

🛣 How to Use

  1. Create html, js and scss file with the same name in the relevant directory. Example: pages/test-page.html, scripts/test-page.js, styles/pages/_test-page.scss
  2. Add the name (e.g: test-page) to htmlPageNames variable on webpack.config.js
  3. Add js file to module.export.entry
  4. Import scss file to js
  5. Now you are ready to go :D

📈 Lesson Learned

  1. webpack guide documentation is helpful and easy to understand
  2. we import css from js
  3. creating html setup for multi page application was quite tricky
  4. HMR gotcha: