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Delphi RTL

These libraries provide a set of functionality that makes it easy to use known Delphi functions with TypeScript and Javascript.


npm install delphirtl


  • arrayutils
  • dateutils
  • logutils
  • messaging / Messaging
  • sysutils
  • rtl


The current configuration allows importing with the following mechanism:

import { ParamStr } from "delphirtl/rtl"; // import the method/type from the namespace rtl which was exported from delphirtl
import { ExtractFileName } from "delphirtl/sysutils"; // import ExtractFileName from sysutils

Version Date Notes
1.0.51 12 Jun 2022 Added ability to import subpackages.
1.0.55 12 Jun 2022 Added arrayutils.
1.1.0 11 Jul 2022 Added Messaging and example
1.1.1 11 Jul 2022 Fixed Messaging and example to use better names
1.1.2 12 Jul 2022 added subscribeToWrappedMessage, sendWrappedMessage, unsubscribeWrappedMessage and more unit tests


No releases published
