HSP(Hamming simalirity Search in Postgres) is a extension which can support r-neighbor search and knn(k-nearest neighbor) search in postgres for hamming vecotor efficiently.
Compile ans install the extension (tested on Postgres 12.5)
git clone https://github.com/lss602726449/HSP.git
cd HSP
make && make install
cd dependecy/hstore
make && make install
cd ../..
Load the extension in postgres
Create a table with 64 dimensions hamming vector (keep the primary key id for index and simalrity search)
CREATE TABLE test(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, val hmcode(64)));
Insert values (hmcode use multiple uint8 separated by comma to represent high-dimensional hamming vectors)
INSERT INTO test(val) VALUES ('{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}'), ('{1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}'), ('{1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0}');
Brute-force search
SELECT * FROM test WHERE hamming_distance('{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}', val)<=1; -- r-neighbor search
SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY hamming_distance('{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}', val) limit 2; -- knn search
For dataset size larger than 100 thousand, brute-force algorithm may suffer a high time overhead. Serveral algorithm have been proposed to solve the r-neighbor search problem and knn search problem. In this extension, We use the GPH algorithm to better solve the r-neighbor search in postgres, due to its efficiency. GPH algorithm obtains a more tight filting condition and enable flexible threshold allocation. It further uses dynamic programming algorithm to reduce the number of candidate sets. For knn search, multi-index (MIH) algorithm is modified to accelerate the search. For small datasets, it is not recommended to use index and similarity search algorithms.
Multiple hash tables are build as index shared by GPH and MIH. In order to make the dimension of each partition about 23, we set m = 3 for 64 dimension vector, and m=5 for 128. Trigger is also added in the UDF of create_index to keep the consistency of vector and index. (There must be at least one vector in the table)
SELECT set_m(3);
SELECT create_index('test', 'val');
search_thres takes query vector, tablename, clomnname, r as input, which searchs in table for all vectors hamming distance not greater than r. The result is exact.
SELECT * FROM search_thres_('{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}', NULL::test, 'val', 2);
search_knn_mih takes query vector, tablename, clomnname, k as input, which searchs in table for k vectors which close to query vector. set_pv_num set the num of candidates to be post-verificated, which determines the search quality and search time. The result is not exact, we evaluate the search quality by recall. In our experiment, for sift1M_64 dataset, k= 10, pv_num = 1000, recall rate of 0.936 can be achieved.
SELECT set_pv_num(1000);
SELECT *, hamming_distance(val, '{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}') AS dis FROM search_knn_mih('{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}', NULL::test, 'val', 10);
load the hamming vector dataset with a table named test_hsp in data/sift1m.sql
createdb test
psql -f data/sift1m.sql -d test
Create index and execute search
SELECT set_m(3);
SELECT create_index('test_hsp', 'val');
SELECT * FROM search_thres_('{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}', NULL::test_hsp, 'val', 2);
SELECT set_pv_num(1000);
SELECT *, hamming_distance(val, '{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}') AS dis FROM search_knn_mih('{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}', NULL::test_hsp, 'val', 10);
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