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Coffe Service ☕️

Spring Boot with Mongo DB and support for Docker compose and K8s 🤓

Run locally:

  • Select the embbeded Mongo DB at build.gradle
  • Comment Mongo DB connection at application.yml
  • Run from idea or from gradle: ./gradlew bootRun
  • See swagger UI at: localhost:8080

Build image from Dockerfile

  • Build the image: docker image build -t codesolt/boot-mongo:0.0.1 .
  • Ensure the image by running it as: docker container run --name mongoapp -p 8080:8080 -d codesolt/boot-mongo:0.0.1
  • Kill the image: docker rm -f <container-id>

Run with Docker compose

  • Same Mongo config as locally
  • Pull Mongo official image: docker pull mongo
  • Create Docker image with: ./gradlew jibDockerBuild
  • Execute with docker-compose up --build
  • Ensure delete resources after test with docker-compose down

Export Docker compose with Kompose

  • At Docker folder, execute: kompose convert -f docker-compose.yml
  • Deploy created resources with kubectl create -f <definition-to-deploy>
  • Ensure delete resources after test with kubecyl delete -f <definition-to-delete>

Deploy created definitions to K8s

  • At k8s folder, execute: kubectl create -f mongo.yml
  • Then: kubectl create -f app.yml
  • Remove resources as previews step

Dev deploy with Skaffold

  • At K8s folder, execute: skaffold dev
  • Press Cmmnd + C to finish dev delploy

Remote debugging with K8s

  • Create a new debug profile with remote option
  • Attach it to port 5005 with default idea configs
  • Add some brakepoints and start debugging

Socker Swarm

  • Create VM machines with docker-machine command (have a Virtual Box app running) docker-machine create --driver virtualbox
  • Get the IP for the node of the cluster that will be the lead manager: docker-machine ip <vm-name>
  • Connect to your designed lead manager node with: docker-machine ssh <vm-name>
  • Init the Docker Swarm cluster with the following command: docker swarm init --advertise-addr <ip-vm-swarm>
  • See the nodes on your cluster (from a manager) with: docker node ls
  • Init a registry on your cluster docker service create --name registry --publish published=5000,target=5000 registry:2
  • Run docker commands from your local on the swarm cluster with: eval $(docker-machine env <vm-swarm>)
  • Push your definition of compose to the cluster with: docker-compose push
  • Deploy your services from Docker Compose file with Stack command: docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml <stack-name>
  • If needed, create the default folder for the DB you are using (preferly use a volume): mkdir -p ~/docker/volumes/mongodb

Contact 📩

Thanks for reading 👍🏾


Coffee Service example with Boot and Mongo (embedded), ready to run in a K8s env






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