What started as lark, is now a fully featured 5-letter word puzzle for the terminal. This project is written entirely in Python3 using the Python standard libray.
Everything is the Python Standard Library, so there are no packages to install. Developed in python 3.10.2, but made to be backwards cooperative. Works and tested in Terminal on OSX; git-bash, cmd, and PowerShell in Windows.
Make sure to install gitbash it you are on Windows.
Clone this Repository (https://github.com/chw3k5/Wordler)
git clone https://github.com/chw3k5/Wordler
cd Wordler/wordler
python play.py
python3 play.py
To see the (ongoing) options for play.py use:
python play.py --help
When new options are added, this help command is updated.
If you wonder where python is installed use:
which python
If you wonder what version of Python you are using, needs to be Python3:
python --version
This program gives you hints about remaining, ranked words based on results that you get from the Wordle game.
It is simple to run and works out-of-the-box.
python narrow.py
python3 narrow.py
No promises, but you can always check for updates with
git pull
when in the Wordler directory.
It is no fun to be dyslexic while Wordle continues to dominate casual conversation. If only there was some way to both feel superior and ruin it for everyone else...This system can be used to very quickly find the best guesses and optimal path to a solution. All joking aside, this was a fun problem to solve and in solving it, I was shown how clever this type of puzzle can be.
Using this system is cheating only if you acknowledge that having an extra circuit in your brain to easily parse words and recognize letter ordering is also cheating.
If that is not enough for you, then think of it as a simulation to help you test and hone your Wordle skills. Because all modern chess is informed by simulation, and Wordle is completely equivalent to chess, right?
The code will also create a shareable output, to make sure all of your Twitter/group chat/familial friends know how great you are.