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ECOLE: Learning to call copy number variants on whole exome sequencing data


ECOLE is a deep learning based software that performs CNV call predictions on WES data using read depth sequences.

The manuscript can be found here: ECOLE: Learning to call copy number variants on whole exome sequencing data

The repository with the necessary data and scripts to reproduce the results in the paper can be found here: ECOLE results reproduction

Deep Learning, Copy Number Variation, Whole Exome Sequencing


Berk Mandiracioglu, Furkan Ozden, Gun Kaynar, M. Alper Yilmaz, Can Alkan, A. Ercument Cicek

Questions & comments

[firstauthorname].[firstauthorsurname] [lastauthorsurname]

Table of Contents

Warning: Please note that ECOLE software is completely free for academic usage. However it is licenced for commercial usage. Please first refer to the License section for more info.


  • ECOLE is a python3 script and it is easy to run after the required packages are installed.


For easy requirement handling, you can use ECOLE_environment.yml files to initialize conda environment with requirements installed:

$ conda env create --name ecole_env -f ECOLE_environment.yml
$ conda activate ecole_env

Note that the provided environment yml file is for Linux systems. For MacOS users, the corresponding versions of the packages might need to be changed.


  • ECOLE provides GPU support optionally. See GPU Support section.

Instructions Manual for ECOLE

Important notice: Please call the script from the scripts directory.

Required Arguments

-m, --model

  • Pretrained models of the paper, one of the following: (1) ecole, (2) ecole-ft-expert, (3) ecole-ft-somatic.

-bs, --batch_size

  • Batch size to be used to perform CNV call on the samples.

-i, --input

  • Relative or direct path for are the processed WES samples, including read depth data.

-o, --output

  • Relative or direct output directory path to write ECOLE output file.

-c, --cnv

  • Level of resolution you desire, choose one of the options: (1) exonlevel, (2) merged.

-n, --normalize

  • Relative or direct path for mean&std stats of read depth values to normalize. These values are obtained precalculated from the training dataset before the pretraining.

Optional Arguments

-g, --gpu

  • Set to PCI BUS ID of the gpu in your system.
  • You can check, PCI BUS IDs of the gpus in your system with various ways. Using gpustat tool check IDs of the gpus in your system like below:

-v, --version

-Check the version of ECOLE.

-h, --help

-See help page.

Usage Example

Usage of ECOLE is very simple!

Step-0: Install conda package management

  • This project uses conda package management software to create virtual environment and facilitate reproducability.

  • For Linux users:

  • Please take a look at the Anaconda repo archive page, and select an appropriate version that you'd like to install.

  • Replace this with your choice

$ wget -c
$ bash

Step-1: Set Up your environment.

  • It is important to set up the conda environment which includes the necessary dependencies.
  • Please run the following lines to create and activate the environment:
$ conda env create --name ecole_env -f ECOLE_environment.yml
$ conda activate ecole_env

Step-2: Run the preprocessing script.

  • It is necessary to perform preprocessing on WES data samples to obtain read depth and other meta data and make them ready for CNV calling.
  • Please run the following line:
$ source

Step-3: Run ECOLE on data obtained in Step-2

  • Here, we demonstrate an example to run ECOLE on gpu device 0, and obtain exon-level CNV call.
  • Please run the following script:
$ source

You can change the argument parameters within the script to run it on cpu and/or to obtain merged CNV calls.

Output file of ECOLE

  • At the end of the CNV calling procedure, ECOLE will write its output file to the directory given with -o option. In this tutorial it is ./ecole_calls_output
  • Output file of ECOLE is a tab-delimited .bed like format.
  • Columns in the output file of ECOLE are the following with order: 1. Sample Name, 2. Chromosome, 3. CNV Start Index, 4. CNV End Index, 5. ECOLE Prediction
  • Following figure is an example of ECOLE output file.

Instructions Manual for Finetuning ECOLE

Important notice: Please call the script from the scripts directory.

Required Arguments

-bs, --batch_size

  • Batch size to be used to perform CNV call on the samples.

-i, --input

  • Relative or direct path for are the processed WES samples, including read depth data.

-o, --output

  • Relative or direct output directory path to write ECOLE output file.

-n, --normalize

  • Relative or direct path for mean&std stats of read depth values to normalize. These values are obtained precalculated from the training dataset before the pretraining.

-e, --epochs

  • The number of epochs the finetuning will be performed.

-lr, --learning_rate

  • The learning rate to be used in finetuning

-lmp, --load_model_path

  • The path for the pretrained model weights to be loaded for finetuning

Optional Arguments

-g, --gpu

  • Set to PCI BUS ID of the gpu in your system.
  • You can check, PCI BUS IDs of the gpus in your system with various ways. Using gpustat tool check IDs of the gpus in your system like below:

-v, --version

-Check the version of ECOLE.

-h, --help

-See help page.

Finetune Example

We provide an ECOLE Finetuning example with WES sample of NA12891 using only chromosome 21. Step-0 and Step-1 are the same as the ECOLE call example.

Step-0: Install conda package management

  • This project uses conda package management software to create virtual environment and facilitate reproducability.

  • For Linux users:

  • Please take a look at the Anaconda repo archive page, and select an appropriate version that you'd like to install.

  • Replace this with your choice

$ wget -c
$ bash

Step-1: Set Up your environment.

  • It is important to set up the conda environment which includes the necessary dependencies.
  • Please run the following lines to create and activate the environment:
$ conda env create --name ecole_env -f ECOLE_environment.yml
$ conda activate ecole_env

Step-2: Run the preprocessing script for preparing the samples for finetuning.

  • It is necessary to perform preprocessing on WES data samples to obtain read depth and other meta data and make them ready for ECOLE finetuning.

  • ECOLE Finetuning requires .bam and ground truth calls as provided under /finetune_example_data. Please see the below image for a sample ground truths format.

  • Please run the following line:

$ source

Step-3: Start ECOLE Finetuning on data obtained in Step-2

  • Here, we demonstrate an example to run ECOLE Finetuning on gpu device 0.
  • Please run the following script:
$ source

You can change the argument parameters within the script to run it on cpu.

Output file of ECOLE

  • At the end of ECOLE Finetuning, the script will save its model weights file to the directory given with -o option. In this tutorial it is ./ecole_finetuned_model_weights



  • CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
  • Copyright 2022 © ECOLE.
  • For commercial usage, please contact.