Contains data used for my MA thesis. First, some scripts for background information on languages of South America and the world, using data from WALS for the background of the data. These are found in the SA_stats folder. Then, the manipulation and analysis of the data.
- Script to see how many languages in South America have tones, as per the WALS sample.
- Script to see how many languages in South America have stress where, as per the WALS samples.
- Dataset for the project, containing 40 languages of the Guaporé-Mamoré language area plus 9 control languages, in the file dataset.ods
- Various dataframe operations to design my database, in the file dataprep_oncecoded.
- Analysis of the dataset, including visualization and statistical tests, in the dataprep_oncecoded folder.
- Resulting plots and maps in the images folder.
The text of my thesis can be found here.