Read our system paper here.
go build .
# To simulate a resource-constrained IoT device, that will not run tasks:
./cider --introducer {Introducer IP or hostname} --resource-constrained
# To simulate a capable compute device:
./cider --introducer {Introducer IP or hostname}
# Get all tasks running on a node
curl -i {Node IP or hostname}:6143/tasks
# Deploy a task to a node
# Note: This may return a 200 or a 303 (Temporary Redirect)
# If 303: Follow the provided URL in the Location header
# If 200: use the returned {Task ID} in future requests
curl -iX PUT {Node IP or hostname}:6143/tasks --data '{"function": "sum", "data": [1,2,3,4,5]}'
# Fetch the status of a task
curl -i {Node IP or hostname}:6143/tasks/{Task ID}
# Send control signals (e.g. abort) to a Running task
# Note: Only abort is supported at the moment
curl -iX PUT {Node IP or hostname}:6143/tasks/{Task ID}
# Fetch the result of a Stopped task
curl -i {Node IP or hostname}:6143/tasks/{Task ID}/result
# Delete the task from the node's history
curl -iX {Node IP or hostname}:6143/tasks/{Task ID}