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[WIP] new traversable type class
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cipher1024 committed Mar 7, 2018
1 parent e477400 commit 2f4aa9e
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Showing 8 changed files with 872 additions and 0 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions category/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,54 @@ variables {f : Type u → Type v} [applicative f]
lemma pure_seq_eq_map : ∀ {α β : Type u} (g : α → β) (x : f α), pure g <*> x = g <$> x :=
@applicative.pure_seq_eq_map f _

def mmap₂
{α₁ α₂ φ : Type u}
(g : α₁ → α₂ → f φ)
: Π (ma₁ : list α₁) (ma₂: list α₂), f (list φ)
| (x :: xs) (y :: ys) := (::) <$> g x y <*> mmap₂ xs ys
| _ _ := pure []

def mmap₂' (g : α → β → f γ) : list α → list β → f punit
| (x :: xs) (y :: ys) := g x y *> mmap₂' xs ys
| [] _ := pure
| _ [] := pure

private def mpartition_aux (x : α) : ulift bool → list α × list α → list α × list α
| ⟨ tt ⟩ (xs,ys) := (x::xs,ys)
| ⟨ ff ⟩ (xs,ys) := (xs,x::ys)

def list.mpartition' (g : α → f (ulift bool)) : list α → f (list α × list α)
| [] := pure ([],[])
| (x :: xs) := mpartition_aux x <$> g x <*> list.mpartition' xs

def list.mpartition {α : Type} {f : TypeType v} [applicative f] (g : α → f bool) :=
list.mpartition' (λ x, ulift.up <$> g x)

variables {m : Type u → Type v} [applicative m]
def lift₂
{α₁ α₂ φ : Type u}
(f : α₁ → α₂ → φ)
(ma₁ : m α₁) (ma₂: m α₂) : m φ :=
f <$> ma₁ <*> ma₂

def lift₃
{α₁ α₂ α₃ φ : Type u}
(f : α₁ → α₂ → α₃ → φ)
(ma₁ : m α₁) (ma₂: m α₂) (ma₃ : m α₃) : m φ :=
f <$> ma₁ <*> ma₂ <*> ma₃

def lift₄
{α₁ α₂ α₃ α₄ φ : Type u}
(f : α₁ → α₂ → α₃ → α₄ → φ)
(ma₁ : m α₁) (ma₂: m α₂) (ma₃ : m α₃) (ma₄ : m α₄) : m φ :=
f <$> ma₁ <*> ma₂ <*> ma₃ <*> ma₄

def lift₅
{α₁ α₂ α₃ α₄ α₅ φ : Type u}
(f : α₁ → α₂ → α₃ → α₄ → α₅ → φ)
(ma₁ : m α₁) (ma₂: m α₂) (ma₃ : m α₃) (ma₄ : m α₄) (ma₅ : m α₅) : m φ :=
f <$> ma₁ <*> ma₂ <*> ma₃ <*> ma₄ <*> ma₅

end applicative

section monad
Expand Down
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions control/applicative.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@

import data.functor

universe variables u v w u' v' w'

section lemmas

open function applicative

variables {α β γ : Type u}
variables {f : Type u → Type v}
variables [applicative f]
variables (g : β → γ)

lemma applicative.map_seq_assoc
(x : f (α → β)) (y : f α)
: f _ _ _ g (x <*> y) = comp g <$> x <*> y :=
by rw [← applicative.pure_seq_eq_map

lemma applicative.seq_map_comm
(x : f (γ → α)) (y : f β)
: x <*> g <$> y = flip comp g <$> x <*> y :=
rw [← pure_seq_eq_map _ y,seq_assoc,seq_pure,← functor.map_comp],

end lemmas

namespace identity

open function

variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type u'}

def pure : α → identity α :=

def seq : identity (α → β) → identity α → identity β
| ⟨ f ⟩ ⟨ x ⟩ := ⟨ f x ⟩

local infix <$> := map
local infix <*> := seq

lemma pure_seq_eq_map (g : α → β) : ∀ (x : identity α), pure g <*> x = g <$> x
| ⟨ x ⟩ := rfl

lemma map_pure (g : α → β) (x : α)
: g <$> pure x = pure (g x) :=

lemma seq_pure : ∀ (g : identity (α → β)) (x : α),
g <*> pure x = (λ g : α → β, g x) <$> g
| ⟨ g ⟩ x := rfl

lemma seq_assoc : ∀ (x : identity α) (g : identity (α → β)) (h : identity (β → γ)),
h <*> (g <*> x) = (@comp α β γ <$> h) <*> g <*> x
| ⟨ x ⟩ ⟨ g ⟩ ⟨ h ⟩ := rfl

end identity

instance applicative_identity : applicative identity :=
{ map :=
, id_map := @identity.id_map
, pure := @identity.pure
, seq := @identity.seq
, pure_seq_eq_map := @identity.pure_seq_eq_map
, map_pure := @identity.map_pure
, seq_pure := @identity.seq_pure
, seq_assoc := @identity.seq_assoc }

lemma identity.seq_mk {α β : Type v} (f : α → β) (x : α)
: f <*> x = (f x) := rfl

namespace compose

open function

variables {f : Type u → Type u'} {g : Type v → Type u}

variables [applicative f] [applicative g]
variables {α β γ : Type v}

def seq : compose f g (α → β) → compose f g α → compose f g β
| ⟨ h ⟩ ⟨ x ⟩ := ⟨ has_seq.seq <$> h <*> x ⟩

def pure (x : α) : compose f g α :=
⟨ pure $ pure x ⟩

local infix ` <$> ` := map
local infix ` <*> ` := seq

lemma map_pure (h : α → β) (x : α) : (h <$> pure x : compose f g β) = pure (h x) :=
unfold compose.pure comp,
apply congr_arg,
rw [applicative.map_pure,applicative.map_pure],

lemma seq_pure (h : compose f g (α → β)) (x : α)
: h <*> pure x = (λ g : α → β, g x) <$> h :=
cases h with h,
unfold compose.pure compose.seq comp,
apply congr_arg,
rw [applicative.seq_pure,← functor.map_comp],
apply congr_fun, apply congr_arg,
apply funext, intro y,
unfold comp,
apply applicative.seq_pure

lemma seq_assoc : ∀ (x : compose f g α) (h₀ : compose f g (α → β)) (h₁ : compose f g (β → γ)),
h₁ <*> (h₀ <*> x) = (@comp α β γ <$> h₁) <*> h₀ <*> x
| ⟨ x ⟩ ⟨ h₀ ⟩ ⟨ h₁ ⟩ :=
unfold compose.seq,
apply congr_arg,
repeat { rw [applicative.seq_assoc] },
apply congr_fun,
apply congr_arg,
rw [← functor.map_comp],
rw [← functor.map_comp],
rw [← applicative.pure_seq_eq_map has_seq.seq
,applicative.seq_pure _ has_seq.seq],
repeat { rw [← functor.map_comp] },
rw [applicative.map_seq_assoc has_seq.seq,← functor.map_comp],
apply congr_fun,
apply congr_arg,
apply congr_fun,
apply congr_arg,
{ apply funext, intro i,
unfold comp,
apply funext, intro j,
apply funext, intro k,
rw [applicative.seq_assoc] },

lemma pure_seq_eq_map (h : α → β) : ∀ (x : compose f g α), pure h <*> x = h <$> x
| ⟨ x ⟩ :=
unfold compose.pure compose.seq comp,
apply congr_arg,
rw [applicative.map_pure,applicative.pure_seq_eq_map],
apply congr_fun,
apply congr_arg,
apply funext, clear x, intro x,
apply applicative.pure_seq_eq_map

instance applicative_compose
{f : Type u → Type u'} {g : Type v → Type u}
[applicative f] [applicative g]
: applicative (compose f g) :=
{ map := f g _ _
, id_map := @compose.id_map f g _ _
, map_comp := @compose.map_comp f g _ _
, seq := @compose.seq f g _ _
, pure := @compose.pure f g _ _
, pure_seq_eq_map := @compose.pure_seq_eq_map f g _ _
, map_pure := @compose.map_pure f g _ _
, seq_pure := @compose.seq_pure f g _ _
, seq_assoc := @compose.seq_assoc f g _ _ }

end compose

lemma compose.seq_mk {α β : Type u'}
{f : Type u → Type v} {g : Type u' → Type u}
[applicative f] [applicative g]
(h : f (g (α → β))) (x : f (g α))
: h <*> x = (has_seq.seq <$> h <*> x) := rfl
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions data/functor.lean
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universe variables u v w u' v' w'

section functor

variables {F : Type u → Type v}
variables {α β γ : Type u}
variables [functor F]

lemma functor.id_map' : id = (id : F α → F α) :=
by { apply funext, apply functor.id_map }

lemma functor.map_comp' (f : α → β) (g : β → γ)
: (g ∘ f) = ( g ∘ f : F α → F γ) :=
by { apply funext, intro, apply functor.map_comp }

end functor

structure identity (α : Type u) : Type u :=
(run_identity : α)

structure compose (f : Type u → Type u') (g : Type v → Type u) (α : Type v) : Type u' :=
(run : f $ g α)

namespace identity

open function

variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type u'}

def map (f : α → β) : identity α → identity β
| ⟨ x ⟩ := ⟨ f x ⟩

local infixr <$> := map

lemma id_map : ∀ (x : identity α), map id x = x
| ⟨ x ⟩ := rfl

lemma map_comp (f : α → β) (g : β → γ)
: ∀ (x : identity α), map (g ∘ f) x = g <$> f <$> x
| ⟨ x ⟩ := rfl

end identity

instance identity_functor : functor identity :=
{ map :=
, id_map := @identity.id_map
, map_comp := @identity.map_comp }

lemma identity.map_mk {α β : Type v} (f : α → β) (x : α)
: f <$> x = (f x) := rfl

namespace compose

variables {f : Type u → Type u'} {g : Type v → Type u}

variables [functor f] [functor g]
variables {α β γ : Type v}

def map (h : α → β) : compose f g α → compose f g β
| ⟨ x ⟩ := ⟨ h <$> x ⟩

local infix ` <$> ` := map

lemma id_map : ∀ (x : compose f g α), map id x = x
| ⟨ x ⟩ :=
by { unfold map, rw [functor.id_map',functor.id_map], }

lemma map_comp (g_1 : α → β) (h : β → γ) : ∀ (x : compose f g α),
map (h ∘ g_1) x = map h (map g_1 x)
| ⟨ x ⟩ :=
by { unfold map, rw [functor.map_comp' g_1 h,functor.map_comp], }

end compose

instance functor_compose {f : Type u → Type u'} {g : Type v → Type u}
[functor f] [functor g]
: functor (compose f g) :=
{ map := f g _ _
, id_map := @compose.id_map f g _ _
, map_comp := @compose.map_comp f g _ _ }

lemma compose.map_mk {α β : Type u'}
{f : Type u → Type v} {g : Type u' → Type u}
[functor f] [functor g]
(h : α → β) (x : f (g α))
: h <$> x = ( h <$> x) := rfl

namespace ulift

instance : has_map ulift :=
{ map := λ α β f, up ∘ f ∘ down }

end ulift

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