Fast Mapping database generation and ip-to-AS mapping.
The ip2as mapping is accomplished by pyasn (
In this repository, we just provide a faster and more convenient way to obtain the mapping database. We use the routeviews Prefix-to-AS mappings (pfx2as) for IPv4 and IPv6 provided by CAIDA to generate the database.
You can download the pfx2as files from
install pip install pyasn
Download pfx2as file from CAIDA
Generate the mapping db file
import pyasn
asndb = pyasn.pyasn('ipasn.dat')
asndb.lookup('') # should return: (15169, ''), the origin AS, and the BGP prefix it matches
asndb.get_as_prefixes(1128) # returns ['', '', ''], TU-Delft prefixes