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CircuitID - the Ruby gem for the Circuit ID REST API


Circuit ID® is an innovative cloud communications platform that redefines your connectivity experience. Our cutting-edge AI-powered solution seamlessly integrates calling, meetings, messaging, voicemail, fax, SIP Trunking, mobile broadband, and mobile phone services, accessible wherever you and your devices go.

Whether you are a beginner getting started with our API or an experienced developer looking for advanced features, this documentation site will serve as your comprehensive guide.

We are excited to have you on board and are confident that this documentation site will empower you to leverage the full potential of our REST API. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Happy coding!

  • API version: 0.47.22
  • Package version: 1.0.0

For more information, please visit


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build circuitid-ruby.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./circuitid-ruby-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./circuitid-ruby-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'circuitid-ruby', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'circuitid-ruby', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'circuitid-ruby'

# Setup authorization
CircuitID.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: jwt
  config.api_key['jwt'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  # config.api_key_prefix['jwt'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance =
acceptedsenders_create_or_patch ={object: 'object_example', service: 'service_example', service_ref: 'service_ref_example', ref: 'users'}) # AcceptedsendersCreateOrPatch | The JSON object that will be posted to the REST API endpoint.

  #Create a new object
  result = api_instance.create_accepted_sender(acceptedsenders_create_or_patch)
  p result
rescue CircuitID::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AcceptedSendersApi->create_accepted_sender: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CircuitID::AcceptedSendersApi create_accepted_sender POST /acceptedsenders Create a new object
CircuitID::AcceptedSendersApi find_accepted_senders GET /acceptedsenders Find multiple objects
CircuitID::AcceptedSendersApi get_accepted_sender GET /acceptedsenders/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::AcceptedSendersApi patch_accepted_sender PATCH /acceptedsenders/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::AcceptedSendersApi remove_accepted_sender DELETE /acceptedsenders/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::AnnouncementsApi create_announcement POST /announcements Create a new object
CircuitID::AnnouncementsApi find_announcements GET /announcements Find multiple objects
CircuitID::AnnouncementsApi get_announcement GET /announcements/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::AnnouncementsApi patch_announcement PATCH /announcements/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::AnnouncementsApi remove_announcement DELETE /announcements/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::AppMarketplaceApi find_app_marketplace GET /appmarketplace Find multiple objects
CircuitID::AuthenticationApi create_authentication POST /authentication Create a new object
CircuitID::CallQueueAgentsApi create_call_queue_agent POST /callqueueagents Create a new object
CircuitID::CallQueueAgentsApi find_call_queue_agents GET /callqueueagents Find multiple objects
CircuitID::CallQueueAgentsApi get_call_queue_agent GET /callqueueagents/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::CallQueueAgentsApi patch_call_queue_agent PATCH /callqueueagents/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::CallQueueAgentsApi remove_call_queue_agent DELETE /callqueueagents/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::CallQueuesApi create_call_queue POST /callqueues Create a new object
CircuitID::CallQueuesApi find_call_queues GET /callqueues Find multiple objects
CircuitID::CallQueuesApi get_call_queue GET /callqueues/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::CallQueuesApi patch_call_queue PATCH /callqueues/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::CallQueuesApi remove_call_queue DELETE /callqueues/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::ChatRoomsApi create_chat_room POST /chatrooms Create a new object
CircuitID::ChatRoomsApi find_chat_rooms GET /chatrooms Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ChatRoomsApi get_chat_room GET /chatrooms/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ChatRoomsApi patch_chat_room PATCH /chatrooms/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::ChatRoomsApi remove_chat_room DELETE /chatrooms/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::ClientsApi create_client POST /clients Create a new object
CircuitID::ClientsApi find_clients GET /clients Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ClientsApi get_client GET /clients/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ClientsApi patch_client PATCH /clients/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::ClientsApi remove_client DELETE /clients/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::ConferenceNumbersApi find_conference_numbers GET /conferencenumbers Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ConferenceRoomsApi create_conference_room POST /conferencerooms Create a new object
CircuitID::ConferenceRoomsApi find_conference_rooms GET /conferencerooms Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ConferenceRoomsApi get_conference_room GET /conferencerooms/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ConferenceRoomsApi patch_conference_room PATCH /conferencerooms/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::ConferenceRoomsApi remove_conference_room DELETE /conferencerooms/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::ContactsApi create_contact POST /contacts Create a new object
CircuitID::ContactsApi find_contacts GET /contacts Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ContactsApi get_contact GET /contacts/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ContactsApi patch_contact PATCH /contacts/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::ContactsApi remove_contact DELETE /contacts/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::ConversationMessagesApi create_conversation_message POST /conversationmessages Create a new object
CircuitID::ConversationMessagesApi find_conversation_messages GET /conversationmessages Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ConversationMessagesApi get_conversation_message GET /conversationmessages/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ConversationMessagesApi patch_conversation_message PATCH /conversationmessages/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::ConversationMessagesApi remove_conversation_message DELETE /conversationmessages/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::ConversationsApi create_conversation POST /conversations Create a new object
CircuitID::ConversationsApi find_conversations GET /conversations Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ConversationsApi get_conversation GET /conversations/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ConversationsApi patch_conversation PATCH /conversations/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::ConversationsApi remove_conversation DELETE /conversations/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::CustomersApi create_customer POST /customers Create a new object
CircuitID::CustomersApi find_customers GET /customers Find multiple objects
CircuitID::CustomersApi get_customer GET /customers/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::CustomersApi patch_customer PATCH /customers/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::CustomersApi remove_customer DELETE /customers/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::DNSRecordsApi find_dns_records GET /dnsrecords Find multiple objects
CircuitID::DeveloperAppSubscriptionsApi create_developer_app_subscription POST /developerappsubscriptions Create a new object
CircuitID::DeveloperAppSubscriptionsApi find_developer_app_subscriptions GET /developerappsubscriptions Find multiple objects
CircuitID::DeveloperAppSubscriptionsApi get_developer_app_subscription GET /developerappsubscriptions/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::DeveloperAppSubscriptionsApi patch_developer_app_subscription PATCH /developerappsubscriptions/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::DeveloperAppSubscriptionsApi remove_developer_app_subscription DELETE /developerappsubscriptions/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::DeveloperAppsApi create_developer_app POST /developerapps Create a new object
CircuitID::DeveloperAppsApi find_developer_apps GET /developerapps Find multiple objects
CircuitID::DeveloperAppsApi get_developer_app GET /developerapps/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::DeveloperAppsApi patch_developer_app PATCH /developerapps/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::DeveloperAppsApi remove_developer_app DELETE /developerapps/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::DirectoriesApi createdirectory POST /directories Create a new object
CircuitID::DirectoriesApi find_directories GET /directories Find multiple objects
CircuitID::DirectoriesApi getdirectory GET /directories/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::DirectoriesApi patchdirectory PATCH /directories/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::DirectoriesApi removedirectory DELETE /directories/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::DomainsApi create_domain POST /domains Create a new object
CircuitID::DomainsApi find_domains GET /domains Find multiple objects
CircuitID::DomainsApi get_domain GET /domains/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::DomainsApi patch_domain PATCH /domains/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::DomainsApi remove_domain DELETE /domains/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::FaxAccountsApi create_fax_account POST /faxaccounts Create a new object
CircuitID::FaxAccountsApi find_fax_accounts GET /faxaccounts Find multiple objects
CircuitID::FaxAccountsApi get_fax_account GET /faxaccounts/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::FaxAccountsApi patch_fax_account PATCH /faxaccounts/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::FaxAccountsApi remove_fax_account DELETE /faxaccounts/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::FaxesApi create_fax POST /faxes Create a new object
CircuitID::FaxesApi find_faxes GET /faxes Find multiple objects
CircuitID::FaxesApi get_fax GET /faxes/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::FaxesApi remove_fax DELETE /faxes/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::FindNumbersApi find_find_numbers GET /findnumbers Find multiple objects
CircuitID::FirewallApi create_firewall POST /firewall Create a new object
CircuitID::FirewallApi find_firewall GET /firewall Find multiple objects
CircuitID::FirewallApi get_firewall GET /firewall/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::FirewallApi patch_firewall PATCH /firewall/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::FirewallApi remove_firewall DELETE /firewall/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::GroupMembersApi create_group_member POST /groupmembers Create a new object
CircuitID::GroupMembersApi find_group_members GET /groupmembers Find multiple objects
CircuitID::GroupMembersApi get_group_member GET /groupmembers/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::GroupMembersApi patch_group_member PATCH /groupmembers/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::GroupMembersApi remove_group_member DELETE /groupmembers/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::GroupsApi create_group POST /groups Create a new object
CircuitID::GroupsApi find_groups GET /groups Find multiple objects
CircuitID::GroupsApi get_group GET /groups/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::GroupsApi patch_group PATCH /groups/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::GroupsApi remove_group DELETE /groups/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::HolidaysApi create_holiday POST /holidays Create a new object
CircuitID::HolidaysApi find_holidays GET /holidays Find multiple objects
CircuitID::HolidaysApi get_holiday GET /holidays/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::HolidaysApi patch_holiday PATCH /holidays/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::HolidaysApi remove_holiday DELETE /holidays/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::InfoApi get_info GET /info Get object
CircuitID::InvoiceItemsApi find_invoice_items GET /invoiceitems Find multiple objects
CircuitID::InvoiceItemsApi get_invoice_item GET /invoiceitems/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::InvoicesApi find_invoices GET /invoices Find multiple objects
CircuitID::InvoicesApi get_invoice GET /invoices/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::LicensesApi create_license POST /licenses Create a new object
CircuitID::LicensesApi find_licenses GET /licenses Find multiple objects
CircuitID::LicensesApi get_license GET /licenses/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::LicensesApi patch_license PATCH /licenses/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::LicensesApi remove_license DELETE /licenses/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::MenuOptionsApi create_menu_option POST /menuoptions Create a new object
CircuitID::MenuOptionsApi find_menu_options GET /menuoptions Find multiple objects
CircuitID::MenuOptionsApi get_menu_option GET /menuoptions/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::MenuOptionsApi patch_menu_option PATCH /menuoptions/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::MenuOptionsApi remove_menu_option DELETE /menuoptions/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::MenusApi create_menu POST /menus Create a new object
CircuitID::MenusApi find_menus GET /menus Find multiple objects
CircuitID::MenusApi get_menu GET /menus/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::MenusApi patch_menu PATCH /menus/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::MenusApi remove_menu DELETE /menus/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::MessageBrandsApi create_message_brand POST /messagebrands Create a new object
CircuitID::MessageBrandsApi find_message_brands GET /messagebrands Find multiple objects
CircuitID::MessageBrandsApi get_message_brand GET /messagebrands/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::MessageCampaignsApi create_message_campaign POST /messagecampaigns Create a new object
CircuitID::MessageCampaignsApi find_message_campaigns GET /messagecampaigns Find multiple objects
CircuitID::MessageCampaignsApi get_message_campaign GET /messagecampaigns/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::MessageCampaignsApi patch_message_campaign PATCH /messagecampaigns/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::MessageCampaignsApi remove_message_campaign DELETE /messagecampaigns/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::NumberPortsApi create_number_port POST /numberports Create a new object
CircuitID::NumberPortsApi find_number_ports GET /numberports Find multiple objects
CircuitID::NumberPortsApi get_number_port GET /numberports/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::NumbersApi find_numbers GET /numbers Find multiple objects
CircuitID::NumbersApi get_number GET /numbers/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::NumbersApi patch_number PATCH /numbers/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::OfficesApi create_office POST /offices Create a new object
CircuitID::OfficesApi find_offices GET /offices Find multiple objects
CircuitID::OfficesApi get_office GET /offices/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::OfficesApi patch_office PATCH /offices/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::OfficesApi remove_office DELETE /offices/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRuleActionsApi create_phone_inbound_rule_action POST /phoneinboundruleactions Create a new object
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRuleActionsApi find_phone_inbound_rule_actions GET /phoneinboundruleactions Find multiple objects
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRuleActionsApi get_phone_inbound_rule_action GET /phoneinboundruleactions/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRuleActionsApi patch_phone_inbound_rule_action PATCH /phoneinboundruleactions/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRuleActionsApi remove_phone_inbound_rule_action DELETE /phoneinboundruleactions/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRulesApi create_phone_inbound_rule POST /phoneinboundrules Create a new object
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRulesApi find_phone_inbound_rules GET /phoneinboundrules Find multiple objects
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRulesApi get_phone_inbound_rule GET /phoneinboundrules/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRulesApi patch_phone_inbound_rule PATCH /phoneinboundrules/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::PhoneInboundRulesApi remove_phone_inbound_rule DELETE /phoneinboundrules/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRuleActionsApi create_phone_outbound_rule_action POST /phoneoutboundruleactions Create a new object
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRuleActionsApi find_phone_outbound_rule_actions GET /phoneoutboundruleactions Find multiple objects
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRuleActionsApi get_phone_outbound_rule_action GET /phoneoutboundruleactions/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRuleActionsApi patch_phone_outbound_rule_action PATCH /phoneoutboundruleactions/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRuleActionsApi remove_phone_outbound_rule_action DELETE /phoneoutboundruleactions/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRulesApi create_phone_outbound_rule POST /phoneoutboundrules Create a new object
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRulesApi find_phone_outbound_rules GET /phoneoutboundrules Find multiple objects
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRulesApi get_phone_outbound_rule GET /phoneoutboundrules/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRulesApi patch_phone_outbound_rule PATCH /phoneoutboundrules/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::PhoneOutboundRulesApi remove_phone_outbound_rule DELETE /phoneoutboundrules/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::RateCentersApi find_rate_centers GET /ratecenters Find multiple objects
CircuitID::RateCentersApi get_rate_center GET /ratecenters/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ServersApi create_server POST /servers Create a new object
CircuitID::ServersApi find_servers GET /servers Find multiple objects
CircuitID::ServersApi get_server GET /servers/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::ServersApi patch_server PATCH /servers/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::ServersApi remove_server DELETE /servers/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::TimeSchedulesApi create_time_schedule POST /timeschedules Create a new object
CircuitID::TimeSchedulesApi find_time_schedules GET /timeschedules Find multiple objects
CircuitID::TimeSchedulesApi get_time_schedule GET /timeschedules/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::TimeSchedulesApi patch_time_schedule PATCH /timeschedules/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::TimeSchedulesApi remove_time_schedule DELETE /timeschedules/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::UserTokensApi create_user_token POST /usertokens Create a new object
CircuitID::UserTokensApi find_user_tokens GET /usertokens Find multiple objects
CircuitID::UserTokensApi get_user_token GET /usertokens/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::UserTokensApi patch_user_token PATCH /usertokens/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::UserTokensApi remove_user_token DELETE /usertokens/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::UsersApi create_user POST /users Create a new object
CircuitID::UsersApi find_users GET /users Find multiple objects
CircuitID::UsersApi get_user GET /users/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::UsersApi patch_user PATCH /users/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::UsersApi remove_user DELETE /users/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::VirtualExtensionsApi create_virtual_extension POST /virtualextensions Create a new object
CircuitID::VirtualExtensionsApi find_virtual_extensions GET /virtualextensions Find multiple objects
CircuitID::VirtualExtensionsApi get_virtual_extension GET /virtualextensions/{id} Get object by id
CircuitID::VirtualExtensionsApi patch_virtual_extension PATCH /virtualextensions/{id} Patch object's data
CircuitID::VirtualExtensionsApi remove_virtual_extension DELETE /virtualextensions/{id} Delete object by id
CircuitID::VoicemailApi find_voicemail GET /voicemail Find multiple objects
CircuitID::VoicemailApi get_voicemail GET /voicemail/{id} Get object by id

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published
