Link to website:
Project continued from 'Portfolio' repo that originally was hosted statically on github pages.
Weather Fetcher: Get the current weather for any city using the OpenWeatherMap API.
Trivia Game: Test your knowledge with a trivia game powered by the OpenTDB API.
Random Joke: Enjoy a random joke fetched from the JokeAPI using their REST API.
ChatGPT Chatbot: Interact with an AI-powered chatbot using the OpenAI API.
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Discover NASA's featured image of the day using their APOD API.
Three.js: Rotating 3D cube & torus on the landing page, created using Three.js.
Useless Facts: Get random or today's useless fact using the Useless Facts API.
Google Maps: Explore a map centered on New York City using the Google Maps JavaScript API.
- HTML5 (Website Design)
- CSS3+SCSS (Website Design)
- JavaScript (Client/Server Functionality, APIs)
- Node.js (Server)
- Express (Server)
- Firebase (Storage)
- Three.js (Animations)
- Heroku (Hosting)