#📝/Computer_Science/virtualization #💾/42/Core_Curriculum/born2beroot
- This project aims to introduce you to the wonderful world of virtualization.
- Setting up a debian server without graphical interface.
- Creating encrypted partitions with LVM.
- Setting up the firewall.
- Setting up the crontab and writing a specyfic script that prints informations about the current state of server.
- Setting up password policy.
- Instalation of sudo and configuring strict rules.
- Configuration of ssh, being able to ssh into it form the terminal.
- Setting up actions after too many filed authentication attempts.
- Setting up sudo log files. Capturing every sudo command used.
- Setting up ftp server.
- Setting up functional WordPress website with lighttpd, MariaDB, and PHP.
- At the end generating signature from the ".vdi" file.