A CourseWorks-like course website using MongoDB
Currently has authentication enabled as well as ability to create users, courses, assignments, lectures, and uploads from the website.
rake db:seed imports from ./importFiles/courses.csv and ./importFiles/users.csv. Both csv headers have header rows which are some subset of possible attributes of the corresponding model.
In addition to importing from these files, rake db:seed creates a number of users with randomly generated data. Finally, it randomly links users and courses
classBoard allows users to change passwords from the “My Account” screen, accessible from the drop-down on the far right. Additionally, the urls for the user “show” page have been prettified. They are now an expansion of the user’s email adress rather than the hash from MongoDB. I chose not to implement this change for courses because an instructor may want to keep a course’s page hidden from a user not in that course (exam solutions may be posted, etc.). While classBoard doesn’t yet have this feature, keeping the course as a hash allows for easier implementation of that feature.
Additionally, Foundation was used to prettify the side. This is mainly evident through the header bar.