Welcome to my github site! Here I put all of my programming and electronics projects I am currently working on and projects I have worked on in the past. You are welcome to use them for reference if you would like to learn more about any of the programming languages that I have programmed here. I also welcome feedback for how to make my code better. I have been to IUPUI for a minor in CS and most recently was at Eleven Fifty Academy working on a C# .NET MVC project. I am currently looking for a job in Software Development or Electronics Engineering.
Programming in Python, C#, C# .Net Web MVC,C, C++, and Electronics Engineering
Python sqlite3 and flask
Email: ckronber@gmail.com
Phone: 812-521-0342
- This is a group chat application that I am currently still working on that has the ability to create, edit and delete messages from the user that sent the messages. This web app is currently running on Heroku and has a limit of 20 connections. If I expand this app, I will move it to a dedicated paid server. There is also the ability to see when people are online or offline. This helps with seeing who is online and can see your messages right away. Direct messaging has not been implemented here yet but that Is a feature I am going to add.
- Static Web Page
- Escape Room Console App
- Console Apps
- CSS Creature
- Created a coffeeshop web API created with 3 other classmates to have a customer add items to the order and computed total price of items
- Python Console App for Accessing BFG CoffeeShop Web API
- Created a Web MVC for a Cryptocurrency portfolio to store cryptocurrency amount and prices to track them.