THE NEWS is an application that fetches articles from the NYTimes top stories API and displays them on the main page. Users can select different sections from the sidebar navigation, as well as click on individual cards to view more details about the story and click on a button to view the full article on the NYTimes' website. Design inspiration came from the NYTimes, with a desire to show every section available on the homepage in a sidebar. The application is fully responsive and the sidebar turns into a hamburger menu at smaller sizes.
This application was built as a mock take-home challenge for the Turing School of Software & Design. There was an 8 hour time limit to the challenge. I began the process by creating a project board with detailed user stories and iterations to meet the MVP (first display top articles, then add in the sidebar to view different sections, then add the details page). I also used excalidraw to draft a quick wireframe in desktop and mobile sizes. In hindsight, the sidebar for navigation that transitions into a hamburger menu at smaller sizes may have been too much of a stretch for the short time frame of the project.
- React/React Router
- Deployed on Netlify