This formula installs plone via buildout. The formula can be used either by forking or extending. When forking, the buildout.cfg in files/base can be adapted. When buildout configuration is stored in i.e. a git repository, the plone formula can be extended and the buildout_basefiles state has to be overridden in the derived formula.
Suggestions, bug reports and comments are welcome.
Installs and configures plone virtualenv and instance from buildout. Requires plone user and group to be present.
Ensures the presence of the specified plone user and group running the plone instance.
{% from "plone/map.jinja" import plone with context %} include: - plone extend: buildout_basefiles: file.absent: - name: /youdonotfindme git.latest: - name: gitolite@somehost:plone-buildout - target: {{ plone.instance_location }} - user: {{ plone.user }} - group: {{ }} - require_in: - cmd: bootstrap_plone - watch_in: - cmd: bootstrap_plone - cmd: buildout_plone